A New IMAO Podcast!

Well, a podcast involving someone who sometimes appears on IMAO. SarahK was interviewed by Melissa Clouthier and talked about Twilight and Sarah Palin. John Hawkins also showed up allowing SarahK to personally grill him about not voting for her in the t-shirt babe contest. And she’s a lot better on the radio than I am, but if you ever listened to our podcasts you already knew that.

Incidentally, in addition to Twits.ws, SarahK is also running John Hawkins’s Viral Footage site. Maybe I can get her to post here again… or do another podcast.


  1. As long as Viral Footage stays heavy on Hellfire missiles and skateboarders with compound fractures and not all kittens and sparkley vampires the Fleming internet monopoly will soon be complete.

  2. Listened to podcast on the train ride to/from work today. Sarah rocked.

    I don’t follow Twilight, but I noted her comment that “Edward is the perfect man”. I was reminded of the common thought by those who’ve played the Half Life 2 series so far that Alyx (pronounced Alex) is often considered by gamers to be the perfect woman. She’s resourceful, fearless, adventuresome, happy, energetic, sexy, and armed.

    Sound familiar, Frank?

    Yep, you and Todd Palin should start a “luckiest bastards on Earth” club. Well, and Gordon Freeman, but he’s a fictional character.

  3. Yep. Listened to Sarahk on the podcast. And Frank in the background saying something like “I’ll kill that vampire bastard if he even looks at my wife again!”. You go Frank. I’m cheering for you!

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