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I got a letter from Democracy for America trying to promote and raise money for Alan Grayson. They listed his famous political burp as, “The Republican’s healthcare plan: 1) Don’t get sick 2) if you do, Die Quickly”. Sorry, guys, it was even dumber than that though. As we recall, it was originally:

Republican Health Care Plan
Step 1: Don’t get sick.
Step 2: If you get sick…
Step 3: Die quickly.

Yes, he listed “If you get sick…” as a step… because he’s a friggin’ moron.

Interesting that the only people able to energize liberals at all are loud idiots. Obama pretty much sucked all the energy out of the room in how liberalism’s great hope has already fallen flat and it looks like he’ll barely get any of his big changes implemented before the Democrats lose much of their majority in 2010. Thus, liberals are already starting to reacquaint themselves with being internet trolls, screaming angrily and impotently about everything. In that way, Grayson is their prefect Representative.

Though he’s probably out in 2010.


  1. The house will be so much duller without reps like grayson. No one to make fun of, no one to call moron, no one to compare the stuff on the bottom of a shoe to.

    Sigh, he will be missed.

    Anyone for pie?

  2. The angry whiny screaming demonizing Smashing Pumpkiny behavior I’ve got no problem with. After all, since 2000 it’s really been the only thing they know how to do anymore. And it’s easy to feel rather marginalized and powerless, when all you’re got going for you now is complete control of Congress, the White House, the media and the nation’s educational system.

    But it’s brief occasions when they suddenly feel compelled to lecture us about ‘civility’ that really chafe. They’re like, “Why can’t we have dignified public discourse with you stupid Stalinist evil-mongers anymore?” And then I say “well, maybe you should stop calling us names for starters.” And then they respond, “but how can we unify and move this country forward, when kitten-smothering racist Nazi teabagger douche-canoes like you are lowering the standards of political debate?”

    Now that makes me irritable.

  3. There is a two step plan for getting Mr. Grayson out of office quickly.
    Step 1. Cough on Mr. Grayson, or make him part of the Pelosi, er, swine flu infected blanket program.
    Step 2. Sign Mr. Grayson up for Republican Health Care Plan.

  4. My opinion hasn’t changed. I want Grayson 24/7 on TV, and want all to shout down, those precious few critical Dims that think, maybe, he’s stepped over the line. Just a little. Hey, what are they trying to do – reduce the size of their tent/cesspool?

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