Bald Bear

How much is Obama screwing up? Now our nation’s bears are going bald:

Even I know I look ridiculous.

This is change I cannot believe in.

I don’t know how you screw something up so simple as the fact that bears are supposed to have hair, but somehow Obama is doing. The combination of his general inexperience and incompetence, his extreme liberalism, and the radicals in his administration are screwing things up so badly that bears are losing their hair. Yes, bears are becoming freakish laughing stocks; think of what Obama will do to us in the end.

NOTE: Yes, the bears aren’t actually in our country, but it’s fun to pretend and blame Obama. And has anyone checked on how well our bears have been doing hair-wise lately?


  1. Real funny! A guy goes out and has a few with his buddies and then they make him do lots of Jack Daniels. Someone shaves his ass and snaps a quickie with his Iphone and BLAMO he is all over the internet!

  2. I actually saw a bear this morning, and while it did have a lot of hair, I really did think to myself (and this is before I read this article, mind you!), I think that bear has hair plugs! What will Science! come up with next? Anyways, I went in for a closer look, and He did in fact have the tell-tale rows of hair that look like a cheaply made doll on his head. Then he ate me.

    I got better.

  3. >NOTE: Yes, the bears aren’t actually in our country, but it’s fun to pretend and blame Obama.

    But, it doesn’t matter that the bear is in/from Europe. Because Obama, the left, and all those idiot types want the US to become Europe West. This is what they want us to become!

    I hope Smokey Bear sees what they want to do to them and kicks their ass from here to Leipzig.

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