Beer, the final frontier

Young Einstein
Young Einstein was right: e=mc2 is the formula for splitting beer atoms

I’m a big fan of space exploration. Whether it’s because I truly believe that it’s to the benefit of all mankind that we push the boundaries of exploration, or if it’s just because it reminds me of Star Trek, I don’t know. Probably the latter. Anyway, I’m a big fan of space exploration.

A lot of Americans used to be that way, too.

However, ever since the summer of 1969, space exploration hasn’t seemed to have the country’s attention like it used to. What happened in the summer of ’69? The Apollo 11 landing. And the last first-run episode of Star Trek. Not sure which caused the drop in interest in space.

Science! has another way to blind us

We need something to get people’s attention. And our good friend, Science!, has supplied it.


In case you missed it — and I did until I was it on History Channel’s The Universe — there are clouds of beer in space.

Okay, it’s not exactly beer. But it’s alcohol, similar in structure to the alcohol in beer.

Geoff Macdonald, who has a keen interest in such matters, calculated that there is enough for 300,000 pints of beer for every person on Earth every day for the next billion years

Space has beer for the taking. That ought to get people’s attention. And it ought to increase the interest in space exploration.

Now, me? I don’t drink beer. I don’t drink any alcoholic beverages at all. I’m that much of a Baptist.

But you know what that means? When we all go to space after the space beer, I’m the designated driver.


  1. Without us designated drivers, you’d risk getting pulled over outside the Beerkeg Nebula and have to spend the night in jail.

    By the way, you take just one Baptist, he’ll drink all your beer. If you take two, neither one will touch it.

  2. Oh man, I hope it doesn’t turn out to be a galaxy of Coors Light

    Or Billy beer. I’d watch out cruising the great space party keg, Basil. I think I know where Ted Kennedy went to in the afterlife. (Well that, or a very hot place.)

  3. Jeebus H Mohammed. And they said space research was a waste of money. The big problem now will be A) getting there, and B) keeping “big booze” from outlawing it like they did with marijuana.

  4. This sounds like a plan. All we need is to get a couple million dollars to buy tickets at 100,000 a pop on Virgin Galactic. and a few tens of millions of dollars to stay at the orbital hotel at 2 million a pop. (We need a place to sleep it off.) I wonder if the Government will aprove that as apart of the Stimulas package? It’s got to be better spent money than wasting it on studying the sex lives of co-ed freshmen… wait a minute..

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