It Would Make Sense

If we’re making the Blobfish the Official Fish of IMAO, shouldn’t we make Harry Reid the Official Dirtbag Socialist Senate Majority Leader of IMAO?:

Or are we not basing this on frowning ability and eye-beadiness?


  1. Pingback: The Democrat Coup D’etat, Health Care, Cap And Trade, Climate Bill, Marches On Regardless Of Support « Moonbat Patrol

  2. shouldn’t we make Harry Reid the Official Dirtbag Socialist Senate Majority Leader of IMAO?

    Not without a vote! There are too many worthy recipients: Reid, Dodd, Shumer, Durbin, Boxer, Feinstein.

    Dodd makes my skin crawl the most, but anyone of those would fit the bill

  3. Deafdog –

    I agree that all those senators listed are dirtbag socialists, but none of them is the Senate Majority Leader (God help me, the list includes both my senators); Reid is.

  4. We can recognize his dirtbagginess and his socialist-ism, but let’s not get accustomed to referring to him as a Senate leader, majority or otherwise. We might miss him too much aftr mid-term elections. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

  5. Pingback: Uncanny Resemblance |

  6. Yes. Yes we should.

    I just want to be sure that we don’t get perjorative with the Blobfish. El Blabbo minds his own business, works quietly without any need for attention, and has never asked me for a dime. I get along fine with El Blabbo.

    On the other hand…I have major problems with Dirty Harry…too manyt to articulate here. I’m amazed that Dirty Harry’s mouth is wider, bigger, and scarier than El Blabbo’s.

  7. As the media spokesblob for the BLOBFISH ANTI-DEFAMATION FUND, ORDER OF the DEEP I must ask you to cease and desist. Using that hideous picture…..oh who am I kidding that dude makes us look like a Cloonyfish.

    Blupfin skm. for BADFOOD

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