Lightning Round MIA

Fred was out beating up flu viruses and throwing them into the sun, so there was no Lightning Round for 11-11.

On another topic, I found an old picture of Fred Thompson from his Watergate days, and I noticed that he bore a passing resemblance to Jack Nicholson:

Of course, that was over 30 years ago. People change.

Or do they?

Bearded Jack, meet Bearded Fred:

Now I’m not normally the conspiracy theory type, but has ANYONE ever seen Fred & Jack together in the same room?


  1. Ugh, the pic of present-day Nicholson looks like a homeless residentially-challenged guy.

    OTOH, the pic of present-day Fred!-with-a-Beard is surprisingly HOTT! Whodathunk it?

    Oh, and anyone comparing the moonbat Jack to the awesome Fred! shall be fired into the sun.

  2. Hmmm lets see:

    jackurf nicholson: useless hiipie leftist unAmerican pos unworthy of the water it would take to spit on him.

    Fred Thompson: Real American conservitive who is thoughtful and sane.

    Yup a real comparison. Other than nicholson having the priviledge of a slight resemblance to Fred, nicholson has no redeeeming value. Fred otoh, by his merciful graces, has allowed nicholson to breath the same air as Fred and the rest of us. Fred is good.

  3. Finally a conspiracy I can easily unravel. You see, Fred Thompson got so angry a hippie could look like him he punched Jack Nicholson’s face into orbit around Uranus where it belongs. Then Fred took over Jack’s identity and now lives as both the great Fred Thompson and man did he age badly actor Jack Nicholson. Yes, Fred is THAT awesome. And your all welcome.

  4. Frank J — I worship you & want to have your children (except that we’re both married & don’t do that, & oh yes, Sara K is WAY cuter than me!). Anyway, please don’t equate those 2, even in jest. Jack is just skeevy & gross–a grandpa hitting on girls young enough to be his great-granddaughter. He was kinda funny in “Terms of Endearment” except that he’s a much older, & sadder, version of that character now.

    Fred, OTOH, is smart, has self-respect, is sexy (yeah!)—& has a much hotter smokin’ babe than Jack could ever hope to attract. She’s also within 4 decades of his age, unlike the ones Jack scrapes up. (He hit the high point with Angelica Houston, must have realized he wasn’t worthy of someone like that, & has gone downhill ever since. Fred, however, is definitely uptown!)

  5. This was obviously the result of some genetic testing done back in the 1930’s-1940’s. Halliburton was trying to come up with it’s very own Super Assassin, for the War Department. Nicholson is the reject model, and Fred Thompson is the successful model.

    Oh, don’t make Fred angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.

  6. Maureen – Frank is still worshipable. I (Harvey) did this one.

    Truth be told, I’m not a fan of Jack’s early work. Or his later work. Or much of his middle work. But I am grateful to him for the “You can’t handle the truth!” speech in A Few Good Men.

    One minute and 22 seconds of cinematic perfection:

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