Like Frank Always Says


  1. I hope you people appreciate it. Do you know how many black guys I had to insult before one would punch me on camera?

    And don’t even get me started on how expensive hair extensions are these days…

    Oh, and someone owes me a new hat.

  2. DAMNIT! Wacky Hermit beat me to it!

    ill do it anyways, RAAAAAAAAAAAACIST!


    none of my hats, they are too awesome.

    oh, and how many did you have to insult? where did this occur? one time i sumo-style wrestled a black guy.

  3. The best part of the picture is there is some dude in the background with his hands in his pokets, who seemes to be enjoying the spectical. It looks like he comes down to the same place every week to watch this guy punch hippes. We must find where this place is.

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  6. Why the hippie hate?

    I would like to go on the record as saying I rather like hippies, and I do not like seeing them punched.

    Then again, I live in Texas, so perhaps we have a superior type of hippie.

    That is the case with so many things in Texas.

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