Random Thoughts

Normal politics is boring. When will we get interesting scaremongering like charges that robots are taking all our jobs?

In the future, every war will be Vietnam for fifteen minutes.

I learned from my Halloween costume that my pit bull is deathly afraid of ninjas.

As for football, I can be listed in a state of readiness.


  1. Normal politics is boring. When will we get interesting scaremongering like charges that robots are taking all our jobs?

    ILLEGAL robots are taking our jobs. That is worse. ILLEGAl NINJA robots.

    Best costume of the year…Three teeagers at my front door dressed as two Amercian soldiers and the third as Osma in chains. They got extra candy.

  2. “…like charges that robots are taking all our jobs?”

    And controlling us aka R. Giskard. Those ain’t ObamZombies, the’re actually bots. Ever notice Dunn’s steely red eyes? How very R Daneel, Rahm is? Only Hari Seldon can save us now.

  3. “In the future, every war will be Viet Nam for 15 minutes.”— Andy Warhol concurs
    Monday Night Football /Hank Williams will be relieved to know that Frank answers in the affirmative.

  4. I think Sgt. Relic hit the nail on the head except he forgot to mention that at the end of the twenty year period a Democrat dominated congress will cut funding for the war so that all the Americans killed and billions spent will have been for nothing.

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