Random Thoughts

What you wingnuts don’t realize is without the stimulus unemployment would be at a million percent right now.

Instead of the already nebulous “saved or created,” I guess it should really be “saved or created or imagined.”

Turning a nice juicy grape into a weird little raisin is a neat trick, but I don’t get why you’d want to keep doing it.

“Look at this puppy. This puppy wants universal health care. Why are you mean to a puppy?”

Swine flu is bad, but just wait until we have to deal with swine rage virus.

For the people calling it a health care “crisis,” when was it last not in crisis?

I’m guessing it’s a “crisis” whenever these greedy little morons aren’t controlling everything.

Somehow America has survived more than 230 years with its health care in crisis.

For all you people who think Republicans are wingnut morons, they’ll be half the people making your health care decisions.

My Democratic Representative voted “no” on Obamacare, BTW. Now what do I do with all this tar (what to do with the feathers is obvious)?

Anyway, it was nice to take break from important things like unemployment and war to tackle a pet issue.

Can we start a new country but sue for rights to the name United States of America? They can be like Sissy-Scared-of-Freedom-stan.

We should probably save some griping for if Obamacare – God forbid – actually makes it through the Senate. Just to be clear, God won’t actually forbid it. We’re free to screw this country up in any way we want.

My advice, invest in the space program. Ever read “The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress”? That’s our best chance for freedom.

Let’s face it: Liberty is a fun idea, but at the end of the day it scares people.

I think it would be good for the Republicans to make sure there isn’t an American who doesn’t understand the phrase “TANSTAAFL.”

David Caruso hasn’t done a traditional sunglasses opening to CSI: Miami in over a season. If it’s because you make fun of him, I’m mad!

Watched “Are You Under the Impression You Can Move in a Rhythmic Fashion.” Don’t want to sound homophobic, but I’m scared of how gay it is.


  1. Why is it that everytime I read a comment on a blog from something from michigan, they are stupid and uninformed and idiotic? I thought they would have great schools with that robust economy and all.

    Raisins make great projectiles towards that noisy brat a couple of booths down.

    Like everything else they lie about, the democratic socialists changed the words lazy hippie illegal to puppy, to try to throw us off.

    Algore got fatter saturday night.

  2. “Somehow America has survived more than 230 years with its health care in crisis.”

    Before 1776 the world was a Utopia, where all people got along, wealth was justly distributed and everyone had access to healthcare. It’s a good thing we have Obama, Pelosi and Reid to correct that mistake called “The Constitution!”

    {BTW – if there are any numbnuts out there – I was being sarcastic}

  3. I like ” Are You Under the Impression You Can Move in a Rhythmic Fashion”. I can see your fear, but I have to say: the kids on that show are some strong athletes with amazing endurance!

    What ARE you doing with those feathers? A fancy headdress to wear while visiting Vegas?

  4. Ever try to make an Oatmeal Grape cookie?

    When a so-called blue dog democrat actually votes to stop something bad, then I’ll put away the tar and feathers. They are just there to make it look close.

  5. Now what do I do with all this tar?

    You can come here to Indiana and use it on all our dem congressmen. Even the “blue dogs” here voted for that load of horse crap. I sent an email to my (former) rep and told him to start updating his resume cause he’s going to be looking for a new job next November.

  6. If the senate obeys the will of the people and stops Pelosicare, the tar and feather industry will be the hardest hit. Do you really want the tar workers to loose their jobs?

    Next you’ll be trying to put the pitchfork and torch manufacturers out of business.

  7. Breaking NewsFakery: Nidal Malik Hasan diagnosed with Swine Rage Virus.
    230 years ago, they were thankful for leeches as medical treatment. Now the leeches are in Congress.
    Liberty is a fun idea, until they find out how much work it is, then procrastination is preferable to a free nation.
    The moon is a harsh mistress? Masochists everywhere are volunteering for the Space! Program.
    Book of Job: Satan says,”Skin for skin! All that a man has he will give for his life!”>>> ObamaCare will put that theory to the test.


    Not enough people understand this concept and how it works.

    And the concept also applies to the Higs Boson……Science! doesn’t get anything for free either!

    Does Fred Thompson get a free lunch? Could he be the exception to the universal truth of TANSTAAFL?

  9. Random Thought: I read in the news the other day that training older people how to use computers and the internet had a positive effect on their mental agility. They were able to build new neuron pathways in their brains helping them to stay more alert and engaged in their surroundings….just think how much more alert they would be if someone had bothered to show them where to find on-line Denny’s coupons…..

  10. “My advice, invest in the space program. Ever read “The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress”? That’s our best chance for freedom.”

    Yeah. Too bad we already declared war on the moon.

    (On the other hand, the people of the moon in that book started throwing things back….)

  11. “Instead of the already nebulous ‘saved or created,’ I guess it should really be ‘saved or created or imagined.'”

    You have to understand their thinking. There are still a few industries that have not yet been unConstitutionally taken over by the Obama administration. Hence, the jobs held by the people that work at those companies have been saved…so far.

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