Random Thoughts

Everyone predicting the NYC 9/11 trial is going to be a huge fiasco are going to look silly when it’s only a minor fiasco.

V will go a different direction next year with the aliens going moose-hunting and constantly saying, “You betcha!” Different parallel?

I think Obama would be more impressive if he wore a cape.

Anyone ever going to do a full psychological study on internet trolls? I think many people would gladly donate funding.

I have an idea for a movie where pirates learn to look just like us and blend into society and pirate us from the inside.

Will our show trial of KSM be enough to convince the world we’re a democracy or do we also need a sham election?

So is there going to be an investigation into whether our troops are getting really crappy psychological care? It seems like odds are there are plenty of crappy psychologists in the military who aren’t exposing themselves by committing mass murder.


  1. I think Obama would be more impressive if he wore a cape.

    The more interesting question to me is whether there is anything that would make him less impressive.

    Will our show trial of KSM be enough to convince the world we’re a democracy or do we also need a sham election?

    A sham election works best if Jimmy Carter approves it.

  2. I think Obama would be more impressive if he wore a cape.

    he only wears that for show trials.

    I want to know what present husseins role in 911 was? did he have prior contact with ksm? If the show trial convicts ksm, will present hussein grant him a full pardon? is present hussein still entitled to seventy two virgins after spending twenty years in a Christian like church with “rev” wright? Is ksm the master or the apprentice?

  3. Everyone predicting the NYC 9/11 trial is going to be a huge fiasco are going to look silly when it’s only a minor fiasco.

    Says the man who lives across the country from NYC and doesn’t have to worry about fallout.

    I think Obama would be more impressive if he wore a cape.

    What happens to people who wear capes? They trip themselves constantly. No change.

    Will our show trial of KSM be enough to convince the world we’re a democracy or do we also need a sham election?

    Doug Hoffman says the answer is, “neither will work”.

  4. Who would play Obama?
    Denzel Washington, of course.

    Anyone ever going to do a full psychological study on internet trolls? I think many people would gladly donate funding.
    If by “psychological study” you mean “using them as targets at the range,” I’m pretty sure you’re right.

  5. I have an idea for a movie where pirates learn to look just like us and blend into society and pirate us from the inside.

    It could be called “The Butt Pirates of the District of Columbia.”

  6. As the animated feature film, “THE INCREDIBLES,” pointed out quite definitively, wishing a cape upon the President of the United States is tantamount to wishing him dead. And nobody noticed you did that before me! I watch too many movies with my kids…..

    Anyway, “No Capes!” has been a rallying cry at my home for several years and even I don’t think even Obama is silly enough to fall for your plan to destroy him via cape-caused disaster.

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