Random Thoughts

Today is the day Obama is going to do something competent. I can just feel it.

Has anyone polled whether Americans would rather the government spend money on health care or railgun-armed battlemechs?

Assembly is so simple it’s complicated. And isn’t using a Microchip brand microchip a bit like drinking Beer brand beer?

If we broke California in three, that could create up to two manageable states.

I had Jesse Jackson analyze my political beliefs and he determined that I’m an Asian woman.

The local zoo called asking for donations, but I hung up on them. No more money for RHINOs!

So are there actually people who are like fans of Chris Matthews?


  1. So are there actually people who are like fans of Chris Matthews?

    Yes there is nine fans of Chris Matthews. They are Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow Anderson Cooper, Chris Matthews mom, one old hippie that was at Wood Stock, and four hippie collage kids who smoke pot and live in there parents basement.

  2. “If we broke California in three, that could create up to two manageable states.”

    I’m highly disappointed in the earthquake that we were promised would cause California to fall into the ocean years ago.

  3. So are there actually people who are like fans of Chris Matthews?

    Yes, there are many people who are “like” fans of Chrissy Mathews.
    * Hobos, like fans of CM have bad hygiene and smell funny.
    * Dopers, like fans of CM need to be told the same thing again and again before they understand.
    * Toddlers, like fans of CM believe that the world revolves around them and will throw loud tantrums if they don’t get their way.
    * Ego-maniacs, like fans of CM believe that they are the smirtest people in the room regardless of empirical evidence to the contrary.
    * Facists, like fans of CM believe in free speech as long as you say what they say, otherwise your opinion should not be allowed to see the light of day.
    * Fanatics, like fans of CM do not want to hear anything that challenges their beliefs and want every one who disagrees with them to die.

  4. Obama was right about people not ‘jumping to conclusions’ when news of the shootings at Ft. Hood first hit the news. I know this because I was guilty of jumping to an erroneous conclusion! The first thing that occurred to me was that the Methodists were at it again. Yep I just knew the guilty party was a Militant Methodist. Well, can you imagine the egg on my face when it was reveled that the shooter was actually a member of the religion of peace…oops my bad. So occasionally he is competent. As far as California is concerned I wouldn’t worry about it too much as it’s well on it’s way to becoming the newest possession of Mexico.

  5. To be fair to California, the state and it’s land is still ripe with potential and promise. Sadly, it’s the politics, government, and unions that have squandered that promise and buggered the rest of us who still call it home.

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