Random Thoughts

New Moon is just a ripoff of Teen Wolf.

Palin seems unelectable, but I thought Hillary was unelectable and warmed up to her in 2008.

All of Palin’s faults are known, and that’s actually an advantage in some ways.

Great way to try the terrorists: If their face can stop a bullet, they’re not guilty.

I’m still not sure what “smokehouse” almonds are, but I know I must consume them throughout the day to be productive.

Things I will pay higher taxes for: Getting military proper support overseas. Things I will not pay higher taxes for: Anything else.

Real cause of global warming: Scientist yelling, “I believe in global warming!” and clapping their hands.

A great way to protest the Vs would be to wear V for Vendetta masks… or would that be showing support?

Navy SEALs should not punch terrorists in the face unless they put it on YouTube.


  1. New Moon is just a ripoff of Teen Wolf.

    There’s a new moon? Marvelous. How will we adjust our strategic moon-removal plans? Is it feasible to set the two moons to destroying each other in a moon civil war?

    We’re gonna need a bigger nuke.

    Navy SEALs should not punch terrorists in the face unless they put it on YouTube.

    You didn’t link to Uncle Jimbo’s post on Allahpundit.

  2. Sarah Palin has no faults! Sarah Palin would punch a Hippie in the morning, go shoot a moose in the afternoon and pass tax cuts by 5:00PM! Then she would have Democrats to the White House where each one of them shall bow before her in deep reverence!
    A new law shall be passed that unless a woman is at least 25% as awesome looking as Palin they shall be banned from office and shall be required to wear a Burka in public!
    When Sarah is elected in 2012, she is going to invite some Mayan’s to the White House and kick them in the stones just to set that one straight also!

  3. Ahhhh…..Hillary was/is unelectable.

    It seems to me that all of the Republican alternatives for 2012 have fatal flaws:

    Sarah – (and it pains me to say it because she connects with me sometimes) – floozy factor
    Mitt – Mormon factor
    Huck – Evangelical factor
    Tim P – Snarky factor
    Demint – Southern Accent factor

    The ones I want, Petreus and Mitch Daniels, are claiming not to be candidates.

  4. Navy SEALs should not punch terrorists in the face unless they put it on YouTube.

    Heros should never be charged for punching a hippie terrorist in the face. They should be given a medal for it.

    That useless pos disgrace in the white house should bow and kiss their feet. What a disgrace. The pos will let heros be charged, won’t interrupt his fricken waffle for a decision, but will make sure he is scheduled for the global warming hoax meeting in copenhagen. After seeing this pos in action, even the words president biden don’t sound bad.

  5. Doesn’t Huck have the “used to be a fat guy” factor as well?

    I think Sarah is a peach, but to be honest, I’d like to see a little more EXPERIENCE in a president. I understand why she resigned, but she lost me at that point. Don’t get me wrong, I think she is a great leader for the conservative movement. I just like my presidents to have some lengthy executive experience. *ducking now to avoid all the crap you guys are going to throw at me*

  6. I like all the people here – even when I disagree with them. No poo (poi?) from me, PammyV. I would just like to advise the Barracuda on “how to be.” She’s just too nice. I want a combination of nice – at the core – but tough-skinned and well armed with a great right hook. We need a big dose of “I don’t lose” and “You can kiss my ass” in our next President. IMAO!

  7. PammyV, I also agree with you. Sarah Palin is a great spokesperson and is a good leader. However, we need someone with experience. Dick Cheneyish, or Dick Cheney.
    Huckabee is a squish, pawlenty is too. Romney is okay, but lacks conservative credentials after the massachusets healthcare garbage. newt can take a flying leap after his defense of scruffyfazza. The only real good conservatives out there do not have enogh recognition to take the nomination, and with squishes running the republican party, the rules allowing open primaries won’t change soon. So we have to dump the squishes, or get Dick Cheney to squish them like the bugs they are. Fred might, but unlike Dick, he is merciful.

  8. Romney is okay, but lacks conservative credentials after the massachusets healthcare garbage

    Plentyobailouts: Romney should come out and say: “The people of Mass. wanted public healthcare, and we gave it to them. It’s a failure and the rest of the country should heed the warning: public healthcare doesn’t work on a state level and it won’t work on a national level.” I think it could take him a long way in moving against the healthcare bill.

  9. I think this health insurance blitz is going to end up the worst of all worlds. If we created a system where the government contracted with private companies to cover local basic care for everyone by the lowest bidder and thus created the health-care industrial complex similar to the military industrial complex as bad as that would be it would probably be much better then the insurance fiasco that’s coming. Basic care for everyone contracted by outside companies that’s it. If you want these 100k-500k surgeries feel free to arrange to fund them yourself or go to church and prepare to be free from mortal troubles. Private industry will need to find a way to get costs down if they want them paid for.

    The insurance companies who are the middle man have become so large and distorted health-care pricing so much I think any reform that doesn’t involve dissolving them will explode with costs. As long as we believe everyone should get the best health care available cradle to grave and it should be funded or subsidized by others with a 500 pound gorilla as a middle man there is no set of rules that will re-write the reality of the high expense’s.

    I am very opposed to artificial shortening of life but I’m also not a fan of artificial lengthening of life. Especially if it bankrupts your family and the company you retired from and the government just to drag you along a couple more years. But Lord help us these godless selfish baby-boomers are going to bankrupt everyone of us with their white-knuckle grip on life before they are finally gone.

  10. New Moon= Ghey
    “Palin seems unelectable.” Seems, being the operative word. Means she’s in stealth mode ’til the appropriate time to strike.
    Warming up to Hillary; a thought so abhorrent, I’d rather knaw off my hand to escape.
    Watching Leftards’ heads explode every time Palin is mentioned is the quality I most admire in Sarah Palin.
    Great way to try the terrorizts: if they float, they’re guilty. If they sink, they sleep with the fishes.
    Smokehouse almonds: Soon to be an endangered species when the Anti-smoking Nazis get through with them.
    It would be great, if on our 1040 forms, we could direct our taxes where we wanted them to go. The military would be fully funded, the Border Patrol too.
    Real cause for global warming: the sun, as directed by God, Revelation 16:8-9
    Protest V’s, is that some sort of misogynistic code?
    Navy SEALs should not punch terrorizts in the face. SEAL Snipers should eliminate the terrorizt from long range, much more satisfying day’s work.

  11. Palin was more qualified to be president in 08 than Obama was. That doesn’t necessarily mean she’s experienced enough, obviously, but still. Her two years as governor against his two years in the Senate (don’t forget that he also quit early); her time as a mayor and a city council member against his time as a state senator (who never got anything done except voting in support of infanticide three times); her time as a small business owner against his time as a college professor (who never got anything published); her time as a mom against his time as a community organizer. She clearly trumps him by a long shot. However, being that she’s a woman, a Republican, an evangelical, hot, and has an unsophisticated accent, having far more experience won’t help.

    Anyway, I definitely agree with this one:

    All of Palin’s faults are known, and that’s actually an advantage in some ways.

    The main reason she has higher unfavorability ratings than Huckabee and Romney is because more people already know who she is. Rest assured that Huckabee and Romney and anyone else would be just as hated if not more were they to become the Republican nominee. If Palin ran, she wouldn’t become noticeably more hated than she is now, and would almost certainly improve a good deal.

    Also, Huckabee has the “that one eye still doesn’t always look quite right” factor too.

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