The Mona Lisa of Crazy

Don’t know if you’ve seen Andrew Sullivan announce his hiatus, but it’s a masterpiece of crazy. If he’s completely earnest in it, then… wow. It’s easy to make fun of Sullivan, but it’s also easy to make fun of a schizophrenic though that’s not a particularly nice thing to do. At what point, though, does The Atlantic have to answer for why it displays a blatant crazy person to be gawked at a bit. They might as well charge a nickel a gander for Sullivan’s blog.


  1. Frank, you missed Sulivan’s follow-up statement:

    Ahh, but the strawberries baby that’s… that’s where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with… geometric logic… that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox baby DID exist, and I’d have produced that key baby if they hadn’t of pulled the Caine me out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers The Atlantic…

  2. I will not, under any circumstances, give that “man” any traffic. I’d also hate for anyone to look through my browser history and find “him” there. I’d be shunned.

    Care to summarize, Frank? kthnxbai

    I laughed, DamnCat. Kudos.

  3. marko the summary is, he believes palins book is a total fabrication. by that he means a fantasy construct by sarah palin filled with delusional naratives that never happened. and he and his two other peronalities that make up the psychological trinity that is andrew sullivan are taking a hiatus from the blog so the three of him can better do the work of destroying the evil palin enemy.

    then he added booohhhahahahaha while holding his little finger in the corner of his mouth and crooning just the three of us to his two pet mini andrews (two weener dogs with crocheted sweaters that look like toilet paper cozies from grandma’s house) he has dressed up and sitting in the corner.

  4. Sullivan is really off the edge! What a load of self-indulgent tripe, literary garbage and incredibly poor structure!

    Has the man never heard of “paragraph”? It’s a convention used by many people who attempt to write for a living.

    See ya, Andrew! Don’t suck anything out of a Glock you don’t own!

  5. If you appreciated that, you should check out his “back to work” post. Apparently Palin’s book is so surreal and post-modern (in a can’t-keep-her-story-straight kind of way), that Andrew has decided it is impossible to fact-check appropriately. The man is off the deep end.

  6. It’s all OK
    Allahpundit’s close on his heels with his own version of (his term) PALINOIA.
    AP is a F*&^ing rino and I have an even lower opinion of him than sullivan, at least sullivan is an obvious nutcase that anyone with an IQ higher than a rock can see thru……… have to have an IQ higher than mud might achieve to see thru the RINO that is Allahpudit.

  7. Curious that Andrew feels it’s so necessary to attempt to discredit a book by someone who is not presently running for anything, but didn’t feel it necessary to pay such attention to the two writings of a certain presidential candidate that was.

  8. once upon a time, sully was a bright guy who actually had the occasional insight that was worth hearing. however, something started going wrong when he began to obsess about ‘torture’…and then along came sarah.
    now, lots of folks jumped onto the sarah derangement bandwagon, but sully took off running ahead of the wagon screaming about how the wagon was too slow to catch up with the horror that is sarah. worn out by his frenzy, he has fallen to the ground choking on the spittle foaming from his lips and he won’t be able to stand upright again until the soothing caress of a compassionate jesus touches his cheek…whew!!
    there was a time when i might have written all this off to his being a wee bit of a drama queen but now i believe that the guy has completely snapped. somebody needs to call the guys in the white coats.

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