The Real Guantanamo Bay

Steven Crowder has a very special video in which he visits Gitmo. Quite a different picture than we usually see:

Actually, Gitmo seems to nice for terrorists. Let’s send them some place worst… like regular prison.


  1. Good video. I disagree though. I want Gitmo closed. The fact that we spend so much taxpayer money on these people–and humiliate our troops in the process–sickens me. Close that crap down. Just send them to a regular Cuban prison. Or a Cuban hospital.

  2. I agree, let’s send them someplace worse than Gitmo, like to hell.
    Great video, it’s nice to see the ‘regular folks’ in our military,
    who daily do difficult things extraordinarily well.
    Q:What’s the reason Senator Durbin
    wants the terrorist detainees sent to Illinois?
    A: If they are executed,
    they will be able to vote there.

  3. Am I the only one who wonders how Illinois has an empty prison? Doesn’t Chicago have the highest murder rate in the world? Don’t we hear daily about some scum bag who got out of jail and…surprise surprise…killed, raped, robbed yet again because of overcrowded prisons??

    I guess they built them for all those people with a job and no insurance, you know, the real criminals.

    Sure would be nice if for once an American “snapped” and took out his “stress” with an M-16 on all the “detainees”.

    If NY gets attacked (again) thanks to Obama, is he going to take credit for all the jobs that will be created or saved to repair the damage?

  4. NO MO BAMA,
    We hava an essentially empty, state of the art max security prison at Thomson Il- only 14 miles from where I work. Finished in 2001 at a cost of $140 million, it was supposed to allow the shut down of an ancient hell hole such as Joliet-BUT the prison guard union lobbied the legislature to never appropriate the operating funds. The place would be TOO efficient and some guards would lose their jobs! I kid you not.

    If our jug-eared idiot insists and gets his way, I do have to admit that this facility would be a good choice to house the Gitmo jihadis. But don’t get me wrong- they should never be allowed on US soil and most certainly should not be allowed access to civil courts!

  5. In case you missed it:Who started using Gitmo as a prison? @14:00

    Hint: it wasn’t Bush

    I never knew this and neither did Bill Whittle, it’s about time the world was made aware that BILL CLINTON used gitmo to “house” ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS…the horror!!!

    In the meantime, the prisoners at Camp X-Ray–as the place has been called since the early 1990s when it housed Haitian refugees criminals (75 THOUSAND of them, funny how they left that part out)

  6. The place would be TOO efficient and some guards would lose their jobs! I kid you not.

    but…but…The libtards say putting the scum bags there will “create 3000 jobs”

    what’s this lobbying you speak of? is that anything like bribery?

    bribe  verb, bribed, brib⋅ing.

    –noun 2. anything given or serving to persuade or induce

    lob⋅by⋅ist [lob-ee-ist]
    a person who tries to influence persuade or induce legislation on behalf of a special interest

    but hey, building an empty prison for a mere $140 million, can’t they at least get credit for that?

  7. I finally saw that Crowder video last night and was srsly impressed with the place. So much so that I wouldn’t mind going there on vaycay. Although I’ll probably just wait and get a free trip courtesy of Uncle Barry, when he sends us RWEs there.

    Wonder if Gitmo will be as lush — or the Liberals will be so hysterical about not “torturing” prisoners — when we T.E.A. partiers will be the prisoners?

  8. Pingback: So, I Now Have Rejoined the 20th Century… « Liber Ex Machina

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