This Can’t Be Right – UPDATED 10PM

[hat tip: Laurie]

There’s plenty of disturbing stuff in this picture: Michelle’s “worst Catwoman EVAH!”; Barack’s… what?… Mr. Rogers?… and the fact that Chewbacca is calmly standing next to a Stormtrooper instead of ripping his arms off and beating him to death with them (Wookies have been known to do that).

But what’s REALLY bugging me is… what’s the deal with the two Klansmen in the upper left?

UPDATE 10pm: Just to the right of the Klansmen… is that Riff Raff?


  1. That whole pic is just plain wrong. It’s like one of those old Dutch masterpiece portraits of snobby wealthy families where the artist subtly yet intentionally makes his patrons look ‘wrong’ or stupid.

  2. Those KKK people are Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh as played by Obama’s staffers. Anyone who disagrees with him is a racist KKK member. Glen Beck is the one with the scarf. He always has props. Rush doesn’t need them being as he’s on radio and we can’t see props anyway. You can’t rustle a scarf in your “formerly nicotine stained fingers” and have people be able to hear it.

  3. Oh wow, like,what kind of goodies are in those baskets? They look like genuine (imported from California for medicinal purposes only) packages of marajahochie. A product used to cure terminal cases of glaucoma, stimulate appetite, and generally mellow your ass out. A gift from Arnold perhaps?

  4. “The White House warns that many names that may appear familiar — and controversial — do not in fact refer to the most famous people to carry those names. Jeremiah Wright is on the list, but it’s not the president’s former racist pastor. This Michael Jordan is not the basketball player. This Michael Moore is not a filmmaker. The William Ayers who took a group tour of the White House isn’t the former radical terrorist from Chicago who figured so prominently in the 2008 campaign. And the Angela Davis on the list has a different middle initial than the activist communist and former fugitive.”(remember, fugitives never give fake names)

    Now I get it, those were just people dressed like terrorists, racists and communists for a Halloween party…….

    The guest list was huge

  5. Actually, no one is in costume. The guy dressed as a pirate is the new “wall street czar”. The figure between the “storm trooper” and the “pirate” is Nancy Pelosi out of her congressional makeup. The “storm trooper” is actually the new uniform for the Department of Homeland Security (one should be at your door shortly for disagreeing with the decrees of the Messiah), That’s not Chewbacca, that’s one of William Ayres’ hippie friends. The Klansmen are obviously Robert and Mrs. Byrd. The black guy in the suit is Reverend Wright coming to ask where his stimulus money went, and to ask if he can climb back out from under the bus. Just as obviously, the Osam…uhhh…Obamas are handing out Kool-aid packets to their brown shirts…I mean constituents.

  6. There are no actual children in the picture, unless you count the orange jailbait apprentice Jedi babe with the strangely uncomfortable expression standing behind the creepy pirate dude with the blackberry. This is nightmarish! I’ll never celebrate Halloween again!

  7. The First Couple are not handing out treats, they are confiscating treats from those that have too many treats,
    and redistributing to those that haven’t ‘worked’ for their treats.

    First Lady is reprising Eartha Kitt’s role of Catwoman. Overheard saying, “Hand over the treats, or I’ll scratch your eyes out!”

  8. That guy in the cheesy sweater, and the girl with the leopard print look like they can see far enough back in the line to see Nancy Pelosi, and she isn’t wearing a costume. Take a good look at the terror in their eyes, especially the girl.

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