Today’s Discussion Question

Now that the Republicans have had a warning shot fired by conservatives in the form of Hoffman forcing liberal Scozzafava out of the race, how exactly will the Republican leadership continue to screw things up?

My guess is the lesson they’ll take from NY23 will be that they need to use even more money and volunteers to prop up milquetoast, liberal Republicans to try and get conservatives to vote for them. The Republicans now know conservatives are energized, which means the Republican leadership know they can win big if they can only find a way to trick conservatives into supporting candidates barely distinguishable from Democrats that the fabled moderates are also said to like. The Republicans will briefly consider supporting conservative candidates, but then they’ll consider the tongue lashing they’ll get from David Brooks and abandon the idea.


  1. All right I think it’s time to have a three party system. The first party will be the Conservative Party with all the good stuff conseratives like. The Repubilcan Party will become the Democrats because the Rino’s have taken over the GOP and made it to liberal. Finially the Democrats will be renamed the Marxist Pinko Commie A$$hole Scumbag Party because that’s what it’s full of.

  2. “There ain’t a dime’s worth of difference between the national Republicans and the national Democrats.” -George Wallace (An independent at the time, later he ran as a Democrat.)

    I don’t expect the Republican Party to change unless someone like Ronald Reagan comes along and kicks some major ass.

  3. There is zero diff between today’s Republican Party and the Democrats! Well except the Republicans are curled up under their desks terrified that Pelosi might give them a time-out or worse not invite them to all the best social functions in DC! Sad and Lame!

  4. I doubt the NRC will change. These were the types that fought Ronald Reagan all the weay, and foisted milquetoast (what a wonderful word!) George Bush the first on us. Clinton and Obama did not win those elections, the Republicans gave them up.

  5. Never misunderestimate the ability of either party to totally step in it. They both invent brand new ways of #$%^&*ing things up. It’s like there’s a contest between the two to see who can be the most McTarded.

    PS – comments turned off on the nookyaler monkey thread on purpose?

  6. Newt made a hell of a boo-boo. Scozzafava is not a milquetoast moderate- she is (save gun control) to the left of the Democrat in this race. It’s certainly not time for a “3rd” party – it’s time to rebuild & restore the Republican party back to the conservative Republican principles & values. NY-23 has been an aberration; a far left statist marxist Republilcan.

    This has shown the “leadership” of the Rep. party that crappy candidates are not going to cut it, & that having a “R” at the end of a name is meaningless unless there are some principles & values of the conservative Republican variety there.

  7. Notice to rnc, rncc, and squishes everywhere. Newt! take your lilly livered “moderates” and liberals and stuff them where the sun no shiny. The conservative will get the money, even if they run 3rd party! get it? got milque?

  8. It’s time to get rid of the whole party system and just have a free-for-all, may the best man win, even if he’s a woman.

    Anyone can say they’re a republican or a democrat but it’s basically meaningless.

    JFK: Democrat, anti-union, lowered taxes and so anti-communist he started the longest war in history to fight against it and was even killed by one. (allegedly)(allegedly killed by one, there’s no doubt he was a communist) He was far more “conservative” than Bush and yet the liberals have the balls to campare him to:

    Obama: “Democrat”, Owned by the unions, wants to find a way to raise taxes to 110% and so pro-communist….he IS one.

    Politicians are the same way with religion, Ted Kennedy: “Catholic”, murderer, adulterer, divorced/remarried and so pro-abortion he should have been one. You can’t get much more opposite of Catholic than that and yet his funeral was in a huge Catholic church attended by the Anti-Christ no less.

  9. Wait? There are still Republicans? I thought that breed of Elephant went extinct. I mean, there are political animals that are incorrectly labeled as Republicans by amateurs, but the real thing hasn’t existed in nature for years.

  10. Forget the GOP. It is dead and good riddence to it. It lost it’s religion and became another group of weak kneed liberals.
    I have decided thta we need a true Conservative Party lead by solid, small “C” conervatives who are not affraid to, as H.L. Menkin said; “hoist the Black Flag and start slitting throats” when needed.

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