The Unnamed Republican

Democrats are dropping out left and right instead of being trounced in November. That’s because polls are showing that pretty much all the Democrats are doing poorly against an unnamed Republican opponent. But could we actually run an unnamed Republican? The candidate would be this guy in a suit and Mexican wrestler mask who talks of nothing but cutting taxes and cutting spending, but no one would know who he is because he’s the UNNAMED REPUBLICAN. Let’s just hope he doesn’t have a scandal where he robs a bank, because anytime I wear a mask for a long time I start to think of how I could rob a bank.

That Building Is Tall

That's tall!

That's tall!

Have you seen that new building in Dubai? It’s tall. Like taller than anything. Taller than any other building. Taller than any other free-standing structure. Taller than any structure supported with guy-wire. And everyone in Dubai is like, “Look how tall our building is! Much taller than anything you have!”

And since no one has made anything that tall, its architecture is pretty theoretical. It could just topple over any day. Plus, since it’s in the Middle East, basically terrorists now have a new target with a much smaller commute. Actually, I wonder if this was America’s idea. “Hey, terrorists, look at this big shiny thing to attack… far, far away from America.”

So what’s going to be in the building? I guess a bunch of offices. What do they need offices for in the Middle East? Are they just filled with people on the phone saying, “Drill more oil! That’s how we make money here in the Middle East! And by the way… jooooooos!!!”

Of course, I’m probably just making fun because I’m jealous. I don’t have a building that tall.

Spying on the Environment

So I guess Obama tasked the CIA to spy on ice. This is great because it’s not like there is anything more important the CIA should be spying on. You may be saying, “Shouldn’t they be spying on terrorists?” No. That’s a matter for law enforcement. But ice doesn’t fall under our judicial system, so it’s the perfect target for the CIA. Did you know that ice has on numerous occasions collaborated with the Russians? And it’s also liquid water in disguise, but why the disguise? That’s why the CIA is so interested in the ice when it melts: If it’s shedding its disguise, it’s probably up to something.

So before you get all uppity about this, know that if we’d had better ice-spying capabilities in the past, the tragedy of the Titanic would never have happened. That’s one less Celine Dion song.

Well, THAT Quota’s Filled Now

President Obama recently named a Transgendered-American (I thought the PC term was “person of cross-sexualism” but I guess I’m behind the times) to be a Senior Technical Advisor to the Commerce Department.

Personally, I think we need more transgenders in government.

For example, I’d gladly support using taxpayer money to get Obama a set of balls.

Random Thoughts

Get the cool… la la la la… Get the cool shoeshine… la la la la…

The tens digit changed so it’s a new decade. Get over it.

So an inept, inexperienced legislator makes for an inept, inexperienced president. Who knew?

So is everyone just assuming Michael Yon is not a terrorist?

Is “cromulent” a real word yet?

The Japanese wouldn’t have bombed us if it weren’t for them being provoked by Gitmo.

I’m still optimistic this new decade will be chock full of fun for everyone.

Know what prompted Lucifer to break it off with God and become the enemy of man? Gitmo.

One of these days I’m going to hack Twitter and tweet something 141 characters long and totally blow everyone’s minds.

Do you go to hell for listening to Poker Face? I’m afraid I’m going to get to Heaven and accidentally start humming it.

In response to the Snuggie, Mexicans should really start remarketing the poncho. “It’s a blanket with a head-hole!”

When Obama runs out of policy ways to ruin the country, he’ll probably just nuke us. I’m already working on my bomb shelter.

When Obama nukes us, I already have my blog post title ready: “That Totally Ain’t Cool, Obama”

It’s okay, though, because we can get his nuking us overturned if we can prove his birth certificate is a fake.

If they classify dolphins as non-human persons, does that mean we can’t waterboard them?

If dolphins are so smart, how come they breathe air and live underwater? Live on land where the air is, stupid!

Living on land does seem a lot simpler than putting your nostrils on your forehead.

We can’t beat the Dems in November if they won’t even run.

Gitmo is unpopular with terrorists so we’re closing it? Does that mean we’re also going to stop shooting terrorists in the face?