Frank Advice for Life

It’s important to distinguish yourself as one of the educated class. The best way to do this is to wear a top hat, a monocle, and a bright orange t-shirt that says, “ME INTEELECTUAL!” Careful if David Brooks sees you, though, as he might get angry at you for stealing his outfit, and he does bite.

What to Expect from Democrats in the Next Year

Destroying America is hard; I think that’s something the Democrats are learning. It looks like they were hoping to just get power, rip the heart out of America, and be done with it, but now it seems they may barely be able to hobble it before they lose their majorities. That has to be hard for them. They campaigned saying, “America is a land of freedom and opportunity — this we will end!” but it’s just not happening so easily.

I’m guessing we can expect some extraordinary measures to destroy America as we near November and the end of Democrat reign. Democrats already made swine flu in their Democrat labs of evil, but expect them to try and release an ever more virulent disease on us before the end of the year. Like the rage virus. Democrats have also made it clear that if an asteroid were about to strike the U.S., they’d be on the asteroid’s side. So keep an eye on any Democrats that head into space, as they may be trying to direct an asteroid at us.

And what about Democrats’ biggest allies: union thugs and squirrels? I would expect them to stir them up to cause as much damage as possible in the next year. It’s hard to know what they’re up to with how they’re always scampering about and watching us with their beady little eyes, but have your dog chase away either of them if you see them in your yard.

Democrats will be very angry if we reach 2011 and America is still around. If that happens, I’d expect numerous Daily Kos diaries to just be someone pounding their keyboard while screaming. Still, we should remind the Republicans that there should be no compromise on this issue. If Democrats are like, “How about we change this bill to only half-destroy America and we make it bipartisan?” Republicans should still be like, “No. Destroying America is bad, and you are bad.” I hate to be a one issue voter, but I have to draw the line on this. I won’t support any candidate who won’t hold the line and stand firmly against the destruction of America. Remember what Reagan said: “The most important thing we can do is protect America from those who wish to destroy it. We should also protect it from the Soviets.”

Presidential Fashion

So some company caught the president wearing their jacket and are using it in their advertising, and Obama doesn’t like that because images of the president aren’t supposed to be used for commercial purposes. Whatevs. The important thing is the description of the jacket Obama was wearing:

“The jacket has a fleece bib and removable bucket hood, suggesting that the president likes his jackets as he likes his health care bills: riddled with options.”

Removable bucket hood? I hope they did remove it. It wouldn’t have helped matters that while Obama was in China he got his head stuck in his own jacket.

Random Thoughts

From Japanese commentary on the atomic bomb, you get the idea that we were having a nice, fun war until the US took things too far.

So what was the pitch for Leap Year? “Just like absolutely every other romantic comedy… but in Ireland!”

Obama’s State of the Union address this year will be behind closed doors, and only Democrats will be invited.