Apparently This Was Not a Test

Brian of Snapped Shot (who I get a lot of lolterizt! pictures from) started a new blog called “_______ Is A Test For Obama“, to catalog the overuse of the phrase by the MSM – inspired mostly by its use relating to picking up a Nobel Prize.

Sadly, the site died quickly, because the MSM is, for some reason, putting a moratorium on the phrase “test for Obama”.

Here’s the trend – Jan 2006 to Dec 2009 on top, Jan to Dec 2009 on the bottom:

Funny… if picking up a Nobel Prize was a test, you’d think that only missing a terror bombing through dumb luck, inept chemistry, and a surly Dutchman would qualify.

So obviously the UnderBomber incident wasn’t a test. Then what WAS it?

Complete the sentence “The UnderBomber incident was _______ for Obama”.

* a loogie in the soup

* a wedgie

* the one time Chris Matthews’s leg didn’t tingle

* a black eye

* Please ignore that last item, as use of the word “black” in reference to Obama is racist.

* “First Black president” is ok, though.

* “First Negro president”… not so much.

* Unless it’s said by someone from the census bureau.

* the sound of John McCain saying “I told you so”

* a real-life lolbama!

The test for YOU is to complete the sentence in the comments. Do not fail.