Bin Laden: “Muslims Must Lead Relief Effort in Haiti”

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) – In an audio tape posted on the internet, Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden said that Muslims across the world “must take action” to help the millions of Haitians suffering in the aftermath of a tragic earthquake.

“No more talky-talk. Let’s go help some Haitians!”

“Although our holy Jihad against Jews and infidels (may their stomachs roast in hell) is important,” said Bin Laden, “even more important is the human tragedy in Haiti. The Western nations natter and dither while innocents die because the Great Satan is indifferent to the fate of the impoverished. As Muslims, however, we do not have the luxury of indifference. Allah is a God of mercy and compassion. As his followers, we are compelled to be the instruments of that compassion.”

“Many Muslim nations,” continued Bin Laden, “are awash in oil wealth. In the name of Allah the all-giving and all-loving, we are obligated to use that wealth to the benefit of Allah’s neediest children, no matter where they are, and even though they do not share our beliefs. There is a time for the sword, but there is also a time for the hand of mercy and charity to lift up those in their hour of greatest desperation. The decadent West has failed, and it is up to the world’s Muslims to lift up the lamp of Islamic generosity to give hope to those who are now hopeless.”

Surprisingly, the terrorist leader and most wanted man in the world has vowed to risk his own life to personally bring aid to the decimated areas of Haiti. “Although I am not a prophet with the greatness of Mohammed (peace be upon him), I am still a man,” said Al Qaeda’s #1, “and my fellow man is crying in sorrow. I, myself, will lead an aid mission into Haiti as a visible missionary of succor to this devastated nation, even though the infidels may martyr me on sight.”

“I can only hope,” concluded Bin Laden, “that the rest of the world will follow the Muslim example, set aside their petty squabbles, and do the right thing to save the innocent lives that hang in the balance.”

Minor Corrections to Frank’s Post

It’s a nice bit of Robot Theater, but it’s all lies. Here’s the extra-truthy reality:

Yes, I have a high hairline, but the bald spot is kept firmly in check by my fanatical use of Rogaine for the last decade, and the beard is full-face, but neatly-trimmed.

Seriously – Michael Gross, circa 1985

Oh, and the accent is pure Wisconsin.

Look, I’ll prove it:

“Yah, there, hey. I drink from a bubbler when I stop at The Dells as I’m drivin’ up ta Lambeau. Go Pack! The Bears still suck!”

I think that should put to rest these foul rumors of my being naught more than a nebulous byproduct of Frank’s thinkological deliriums.

Frank Advice for Life

When making a pact with the devil, if he offers you the extended warranty on your pact, don’t go for it. It’s a scam.

The Last Decade of Liberalism in 40 Quotes

John Hawkins has compiled the most asinine liberal quotes of the last ten years.

Doomsday Clock

If you wonder why Science! often doesn’t get the respect it deserves, it’s because of crap like this. Yes, the “Doomsday Clock” set by “scientists” and promoted by the “science” press. Because what do you call translating the complex vagaries of world politics into time on a clock? That’s right: Science!

Anyway, the clock has been on the verge of midnight for forever now (if you’re wondering what happens if it reaches midnight, it’ll make this big alarm and then we’ll probably just hit snooze), but they’ve for the first time moved it back a minute because of Obama. That’s right, we’re all now safer because of dummy big-ears who all terrorists and rogue states feel free to give wedgies to. Iran’s building nuclear weapons unabated but we’re all safer because the president now won’t yell at them, so says “scientists.” Also, the clock doesn’t just keep track of nuclear weapons now but also global climate change warming… or whatever the hell they’re calling it now. That’s just as big a threat because while unicorns’ magic can protect them from radiation, they are defenseless to carbon dioxide. Again — Science!

With the Coakley debacle in Massachusetts, I wonder if the Democrats needs a Doomsday Clock. The Democrat doomsday is when everyone finally gets frustrated with the Democrats, says, “We like freedom and making our own choices, you guys are against that, so you’re out of here,” and then toss the Democrats into the sea. According to scientific polling (Science!), they really seemed to rollback the clock at the end of 2008, but now it’s accelerating towards midnight faster than ever before. Soon, everyone will want to control their own lives, and among the Democrats there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Of course, I don’t see why it has to be a clock. It’s kind of an idiotic thing to pick since its supposed to move in a constant manner but the whole idea of the Doomsday Clock is it moves at different speeds. Instead, it should be a gun with the trigger being pulled with various tensions, and if the tension on the trigger is high enough… BOOM! You get shot in the face! That brings a real sense of foreboding. Actually, I just really want something called a “Doomsday Gun.”

Inside IMAO: The Reality of Harvey

In this dramatization of the inner-workings of IMAO, Harvey and I discuss rumors about him:

Random Thoughts

Aren’t all the Democrats from Massachusetts out of touch morons? When did this become an issue?

How can you reelect an elitist, unrepentant, bloated murderer for forty years and then suddenly get standards?

Coakley sounds like a huge embarrassment, i.e., the perfect heir to Ted Kennedy.

I don’t think Massachusetts should be allowed to elect a Republican until they apologize for Ted Kennedy.

Better Off Ted is a wacky show.

Some of Palin’s internet supporters are making me get her confused with Ron Paul.