The Massachusetts Election

… as explained by a scene from “Cool Hand Luke”, with George Kennedy as Scott Brown, and Paul Newman as Obama’s health care bill:

[YouTube direct link]

IMAO Reader Theater: “colt mccoy and tollerance”

Chris presents: “colt mccoy and tollerance”:
[reference link, if you need it]

[Xtranormal direct link]

Take a hippie-punch at fame by creating your own IMAO-worthy video at Xtranormal (“If you can type, you can make movies“). Send a link to and I’ll give it a look. If it’s PG-13 and doesn’t suck too terribly bad, I’ll post it and let the readers throw roses and/or tomatoes at you.

Question of the Day

How devastating a blow to Democrats would you Scott Brown’s win is? I characterize it as a shotgun blast to the groin. What do you think?

Top Ten Things Overheard at the White House During Scott Brown’s Win

10. “Obviously, this is just because Coakley is such a horrible candidate. So how do you get a shotgun in your mouth and also reach the trigger?”

9. “Now don’t you wish we went with the Weekend at Bernie’s solution to Ted Kennedy’s seat?”

8. “Don’t they know other countries love me?”

7. “But this doesn’t mean much, right? You said Massachusetts is a red state… Oh, you meant the other kind of red. Yeah, I guess we’re screwed.”

6. “That’s it, man. Game over, man; game over! What the @#$% are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?”

5. “Don’t they understand this is only going to make me want to lost them jobs and destroy their health care all the more?”

4. “I should have expected this from people who bitterly cling to chowder and the Irish.”

3. “I’m sure Gibbs will be able to spin this after he stops vomiting and urinating on himself.”

2. “This is just the sort of time you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and blame Bush for everything all the harder.”

And the number one thing overheard at the White House during Scott Brown’s win…

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Message from America: We Hate Liberals

Man, what just happened? It’s almost impossible to comprehend. The most liberal state in the union just elected a Republican to Ted Kennedy’s seat? It’s like Massachusetts just abandoned Ted Kennedy in a car at the bottom of a river. This is the most devastating blow to a political party in my lifetime. You weren’t supposed to be able to screw up this bad that something like this should happen.

So the clear message from America to Obama is, “You suck at everything you do. Please stop doing things. We’re sorry we ever met you. You are a weirdo.” A smart man would moderate himself after this, but a smart man wouldn’t have screwed up this bad. A smart man would have been able to use a supermajority to easily pass legislation. A smart man wouldn’t have squandered his approval rating in record time. Anyway, expect Obama’s response to be, “I’m a smart man and everybody is stupid! I’m going to shove everything I want in their stupid faces.” Of course, Democrats in Congress are now going to be looking forward to the November election like they have foreknowledge of the upcoming apocalypse.

If Republicans can win in Massachusetts, no where is safe haven for Democrats. Now is the time to destroy liberalism for good. We hit them every where so that by 2012 Obama is the lone one left standing, broken and alone and mumbling to himself about change. The message is clear: America hates liberalism. Hates it. Hates everything the Daily Kos and stand for. The only reason Obama got elected is they thought he wasn’t a liberal, but as soon as it became obvious he is one, everyone turned against him and anyone associated with him.

It is morning once again in America.

Random Thoughts

My prediction: Close race. Coakley will get 55%, but Brown will barely win with 56%

The ‘J’ in Frank J. stands for genius.

Today could be the day Michelle Obama once again stops being proud of America.

Coakley is out of touch, demonstrated by how she thought she was a cool cat with the gold in her mouth and her hat turned sideways.

To celebrate Massachusetts becoming a red state, we’ll have to have a gun show there and a country music concert.

Political Prediction: While covering election returns, Chris Matthews will vomit all over himself and act like nothing happened.

Calm down, people. They can’t call it before the Massachusetts panhandle is done voting.

Liberal Realignment of 2008: Shortest. Political revolution. Ever.

Clear message from Massachusetts: We’re glad Ted Kennedy is dead.

Big worries for Democrats in any state redder than Massachusetts.

Celebrating Bay Staters are heading to dig up Teddy K, urinate on him, and then bury him upside down.

Enough gloating. All the liberals are being very congratulatory and gracious so it makes me feel rude.

It is fun to watch MSNBC try to spin this in a way for Democrats that isn’t apocalyptic.

After this, it’s safe to predict that liberals will never ever win an election again ever.

I can’t wait to start denying poor people health care!

I’m sure Democrats can cheer themselves up by shouting “teabaggers!” over and over.

FOX News contributor Sarah Palin seems to be happy. Who can’t be happy when Sarah Palin is happy?

Hardest hit: Glenn Beck. Hard to work this into his “We’re all doomed!” shtick.

Obama is officially a lame duck. An actual leader could do tons with 59 votes, but not him.