The GHOST of Ted Kennedy Speaks!!

New video from Crowder — an interview with Ted Kennedy. One of the lines Crowder actually borrowed from me. Everyone should take lines from me; it would make everything funnier.

IMAO Reader Theater: “danny glover talking about health care”

Chris presents: “danny glover talking about health care”

[Xtranormal direct link]

Take a hippie-punch at fame by creating your own IMAO-worthy video at Xtranormal (“If you can type, you can make movies“). Send a link to and I’ll give it a look. If it’s PG-13 and doesn’t suck too terribly bad, I’ll post it and let the readers throw roses and/or tomatoes at you.

Question of the Day

Should anyone who ever supported John Edwards have their voting rights revoked? It’s a free country, and we don’t like removing the voting rights of anyone other than felons, but it would seem that anyone who ever supported the blatantly slimy and phony John Edwards is nothing but a danger to him or herself and others when handed a vote. It basically shows the judgment of someone who randomly picks things off the ground and puts them in his mouth.

What do you think?

We Need to Figure Out How to Replace the Democratic Party with a Choice the American People Actually Want

So, knowing what we know now, what was the message of the 2008 election? Liberals thought it was some great liberal realignment, but they’re stupid; they think lots of things that aren’t true. Even then I noticed that Obama had to promise tax cuts to the middle class and didn’t dare bring up gun control. What happened was people were tired of Bush and the Republicans wanted someone different. Obama was different so they elected him. Then Obama started trying to enact liberal policies and now everyone hates him because America hates — absolutely hates and despises — liberalism. America loves freedom and liberalism is anathema to it.

So here’s the problem: Every once in a while people are going to get tired of Republicans and need to vote for someone else to teach the Republicans a lesson. This is just inevitable if they’re in power for too long. And even though America obviously hates them, the only other choice is Democrats.

Now what if in 2008 there was another party to vote for and teach the fat cat Republicans a lesson? Like what if there was a Libertarian Party — not just one full of crazies. They’d be like, “The Republicans are a bunch of fat cats ruining the country with special interests. Elect us and we’ll cut everything back!” Then America could vote for them to teach the GOP a lesson without getting a big dose of liberalism no one wants. And then when the Libertarian are being stupid and unrealistic, it’s back to the Republicans. That’s where the debate should be in America; the fact is the Democratic is stupid and anachronistic. We’ve long decided we absolutely despise socialism and big government, so why do we even have the Democrats around? Because they’re just there and always have been for so long, but they’re just too far left to be a real part of the debate anymore.

Now, it’s a two party system. So we have to replace the Democrats with a new party. I don’t know how you do that. A new party hasn’t taken over for like well over a hundred years. But it’s what we need to do to move forward. The debate in this country isn’t between capitalism and socialism. It’s about a few interventions versus none at all. And there are a few social issues in the mix. This would be perfectly represented by Republicans and Libertarians. Overall, that probably means the Republican Party will move more leftward, but the whole debate will be moved rightward where it’s supposed to be. Hmm… or possible the Democrats could move rightward and the Republicans become the libertarians. Anyway, we just need some sort of plan to get rid of the Democrats and replace them with another party. I’m not sure how that works, but whatever we did to get a Republican in Massachusetts, we should keep doing that.

Reaching A Helping Hand Across The Aisle

Ya know, I’m sick of right-wingers telling the Democrats the lessons they should learn from the Massachusetts election.

And I’ll tell you why.

I got an email from and it lays out the CORRECT strategy for the left:

The first step is to ignore the talking heads and pass a strong health care reform bill that would force big insurers to compete with a public health insurance option—even if that means they have to use the special reconciliation process to pass legislation without 60 votes in the Senate.

And then to win in November, Democrats need to show they’re serious about restarting the economy by creating millions of new jobs—and crack down on the Wall Street banks that got us into this mess with tough new rules to stop their predatory behavior.

Voters need to see Democrats fighting for them. It won’t be easy, and it will mean ignoring the corporate lobbyists who represent banks, insurance companies, and Big Oil. But that’s the point.

Why change a successful strategy?

Yeah, the Dems lost this round, but anyone who’s ever gambled knows that when you lose, the only way to get your money back is to double down. Again and again if necessary. For as long as it takes to get out of the hole.

And when you’re in a hole, you don’t stop digging, you just need to start digging UP.

Democrats need to keep pushing for health care. Get the bill passed. Say what they have to. Do what they have to. Forget ethics, laws, the Constitution – EVERYTHING! All that matters is this one big win. If they cut their losses, then they keep their losses, which makes them LOSERS!

The Democrat Party *I* know isn’t made up of losers. It’s made up of principled politicians who know what it takes to win for the people who vote for them.

And after health care, it’s time to push-push-PUSH for’s 3-step economic plan:

1) Tax and regulate the crap out of big businesses like banks, insurance and oil.
2) ???
3) Millions of new jobs!

If the Democrats follow’s advice, I guarantee that they will have done everything possible to ensure that, come November, the American people will send the right people to Congress.

Keep up the good work, my left-wing comrades.

Oh, and for heaven’s sake, get Obama to fire that linguini-spined Pillsbury Dough Boy press secretary and get someone with the courage of his convictions. Like Olbermann. The plan outlined above would work a lot better if Olbermann were given a lot more airtime to weave the delicate tapestry of his subtle, yet somehow lyrical, liguistic stylings:

“I wanted to apologize for calling Senator-elect Scott Brown an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against women, and against politicians with whom he disagrees. I am sorry. I left out the word ‘sexist’.”

With Keith as the face of the Democrat Party, elections would become so one-sided that it’d barely even be worth holding them, and I really think that’s worth fighting for.

Don’t you?

Random Thoughts

America hates liberals almost as much as I do.

Obama’s presidency has graduated from FAIL to Epic FAIL.

Now Dems will have to raise lots of money from a base that hates them to defend themselves to an American people that hates them.

Seriously, though, I think Dems got in this mess by compromising too much and not being liberal enough. /kos

So exactly how many people are out there who don’t consider Olbermann a silly dancing monkey?

I think the most devastating thing about the MA election for Dems is they can’t even credibly claim shenanigans.

What’s next for ObamaCare? Isn’t that like asking, “What’s next for a deuce?” I believe flushing the toilet is the usual next step.

First line of GOP response to SOTU: “So what’s up with that guy and failure?”

Lesson from the Election: The American people really wanted someone different after Bush, but what they didn’t want was a Democrat.

I really like this country. It’s a fun country.

So it took Obama one year to get Democrats as demoralized as Republicans were after six years of Bush. Efficiency!

I’ll never be convinced Scott Brown is not a RINO until I see videotape of him laughing at poor people.

Obama’s Learning Method: “Sticking my finger in the electrical socket was a really dumb thing to do! I’ll try my tongue this time…”

The national debt is not a big deal if we just threaten to kill any country that tries to make us pay up.

I don’t see how Lucas can further mutilate Star Wars by putting it in 3D, but he’s a greater visionary in that area than I am.

I think I might be done with politics. A Republican replacing Ted Kennedy seems like a good ending to politics.

Why is so much fiction — books, TV, movies — about lawyers? That doesn’t seem healthy.

Lookin’ like a fool…

While I’m not a big fan of the AJC‘s Mike Luckovich, every so often, he catches my eye. Here’s today’s cartoon.

[Reference link]

Great Moments in Fine Art: Napole-One Crossing the Voters

Cross-posted at America is an Obamanation!, where Nappy tells us that we are now at Condition Red!