IMAO Reader Theater: “The Matrix 1.0”

Greg presents: “The Matrix 1.0”

Really, he’s just saying what everyone who watched the movie was actually thinking.

[Xtranormal direct link]

Take a hippie-punch at fame by creating your own IMAO-worthy video at Xtranormal (“If you can type, you can make movies“). Send a link to and I’ll give it a look. If it’s PG-13 and doesn’t suck too terribly bad, I’ll post it and let the readers throw roses and/or tomatoes at you.

Blinking Corpses

Scientists have been able to make corpses blink using artificial muscles. Just think of all the applications from scaring morticians to scaring people at a wake.


Air America Is Gone

Yeah, I didn’t know it was still on the air either, but now they are gone for good. In light of the blow liberals suffered in the Massachusetts special election, it’s worth once again looking at why liberals don’t do well on talk radio. The point of talk radio is to very plainly state what you believe in. This works well for conservatives as much of what they say boils down to support for individualism and freedom and anger at those who interfere with it — things Americans easily get behind. But liberals views plainly stated scare even most liberals. It breaks down to “Everyone is stupid except for me so I should control everything through government.” That’s a message Americans hate. That’s why in politics liberalism is never plainly stated. They never say they want socialism. They don’t refer to their plans as a government takeover of health care. Unfortunately for them, liberals didn’t hide their intentions enough lately and thus the trouncing in Massachusetts.

So liberals views on the radio are just never going to get a big audience because people don’t want it. For all those who were on Air America, I’d recommend getting a new job making pastries or blankets with sleeves on them — things people want. But don’t make liberal commentary; no one wants that. That’s free job advice from me to help get this economy going.

wut happend?!!



wut happend? ted kennedee was monkeys gratest freend. now in his seet is dum stoopid heelbilly neocon teabagging jue? dis not right! dis not possibul! dis trick!

ween obamama wun dat peepul hated de dum stoopid heelbilly neocon teabagging jues. Dey wanted der eyeball eeten. dat messuge was loud an clear. wut are dey saying now? i do not understand!

dis must bee becuz we not librul enuf an not eet enough eyeballs. did only explanation. obamama failed on making u hav helth care an fail on taxing u an fail on eeting ur eyeballs so dat why peepul angry. dey want mor librulism and mor eyeballs eeten. dis onlee logicul explanashun. i weel wright diary about it on daily kos to tell all my monkey freends not to lose hope.

yes. dat it. everee wun steel hate u dum stoopid heelbilly neocon teabagging jues. dey just wanted liberuls to work faster. so no reeson u celebrate. i weel eet ur dum stoopid eyeballs soon. i weel. an i weel turn them into poo an throw de poo at u. dis will happen soon. i happy not sad. things ar gud. things ar very gud. i go watch msnbc now.

Random Thoughts

When Democrats say “teabagger”, they mean “American”. They came up with the term so they can surreptitiously rant against Americans.

If John Kerry had won in 2004, John Edwards would have been one bad botox treatment away from the presidency.

Air America shutting down? People really hate liberals in this country.

I guess it’s good Al Franken already found a new job.

Liberals need to offer America something it wants. So instead making commentary to sell, make cheeseburgers. Everyone likes those.

Apparently Alan Grayson compared today’s Supreme Court decision to Dred Scott. He really is a troll commenter as Congressman.

Grayson just wants attention and he doesn’t care if it’s the good or bad kind.

Talking to satellites is hard because they move really fast and are all the way up in space.

The left seems to think the reason the American people didn’t like getting kicked in the groin is that they were doing it wrong.

So has anyone on the left fessed up the election being a complete rejection of their ideas?

I hope everyone who worked at Air America finds a job that makes them very happy and less liberal.