IMAO Reader Theater: “The Queen”

Ronnie of LMAObama presents: “The Queen”

[Xtranormal direct link]

Take a hippie-punch at fame by creating your own IMAO-worthy video at Xtranormal (“If you can type, you can make movies“). Send a link to and I’ll give it a look. If it’s PG-13 and doesn’t suck too terribly bad, I’ll post it and let the readers throw roses and/or tomatoes at you.

The Clothes’ New Emperor

Cross-posted at America is an Obamanation!

Don’t Celebrate the Demise of Liberals Yet

A lot of us thought the election of Scott Brown was a pretty clear rejection of liberals ideology by the American people, but Keith Olbermann makes a pretty good point as to why we shouldn’t interpret it that way:

The iPad

So, that iPad is pretty neat, huh? It’s like an iPhone, but bigger. It’s like the perfect device to use when you’re walking from your laptop to your iPhone.

Okay, I don’t really understand what it’s for, but it’s from Apple so I’m guessing it’s pretty slick. I think I’ll get one because I don’t want to be left out if this is the next big thing. I’d hate it if everyone was all smiley and happy with their iPads and doing cool high tech stuff and they looked at me and were like, “Where’s your iPad?”

And I’m like, “I don’t have an iPad.”

And then they’d stare at me in horror and be like, “So why don’t you just kill yourself?”

I mean, the iPad could revolutionize the way we do… something. I may make fun of the iPad, but I also made fun of the internet and was like, “Information? What do I need that for?” Well, ends up the internet is starting to look like it’s kinda useful. I also made fun of the Segway, though, and that ended up being kinda prescient.

But the iPad could be the next big thing. We’ll one day say, “What did people do before the iPad? It’s hard to imagine!”

And another person will say, “They just sat around in circles smashing each other in the face with rocks. That’s how primitive they were.”

Ooh. I think I can read comic books on it. Neato!

My Reaction to the State of the Union of the Address

Actually, I didn’t see any of it. At all. Well, I saw that one clip where Obama was talking about that recent Supreme Court decision and Alito was shaking his head and mouthing, “Not true.”

So that’s my reaction: Not true. Obama said a lot of things that were not true.

But man, it got crazy when Obama saw Alito and was like, “What did you just say?”

And Alito was like, “I said, ‘Not true’. Did those Dumbo ears you have miss that?”

And Obama was all angry and screamed, “Shouldn’t you be filming a new episode of Jersey Shore, guido?”

And Alito was like, “That’s it, Twiggy! You’re going down!”

And Alito ran up and tackled Obama, and Biden was all scared, flailing his arms about and yelling, “Biden scared!” And Nancy Pelosi just stood there in a trance, staring forward and blinking rapidly.

And then Alito lifted Obama over his head and yelled, “I am now president!” Which makes him now president by the rules in the Constitution… according to Alito. He’s a Supreme Court Justice, so he would know.

Best. State of the Union Address. Ever. Next time I’ll definitely pay to watch it on Pay-Per-View.

Random Thoughts

They should counter Tim Tebow’s Super Bowl ad with an ad of a woman saying how awesome her life turned out because of an abortion. Optimally, you’d want someone who was aborted saying how happy he was to be aborted, but that’s kinda hard.

Oh, you could have someone who wasn’t aborted talk about how horrible his life turned out to be.

“Know who didn’t abort her baby? Hitler’s mother.”

Obama says he’d be happy to be a very good one term president. He’s not arrogant enough to compare himself to Polk, is he?

It would be awesome if during the SOTU Obama is interrupted by Kanye West.

The iPad looks like an iPhone meant to go with novelty size sunglasses.

With all these big devices, we’re all going to have to start carrying rucksacks like Jack Bauer. “It’s not a purse!”

Impress me, Apple! Tell me this device will fill that void in my life I’d usually go to Jesus for.

To get with the times, I’ll be releasing a new version of my blog: iIMAO.

There is no ‘i’ in “team” unless it’s one of those newfangled iTeams.

So is Obama going to give an opinion on the iPad, or is he not going to say anything worth tuning in for?

I don’t think Chris Matthews is a racist; he’s just your everyday idiot.

I forgot Obama was black too until he started rapping halfway in.

I never like listening to speeches anyway; but I loves me the punditry that comes afterwards!