Solution for KSM Trial

So they’re thinking of moving KSM’s trial to someplace other than New York City since Obama is a total screw up at everything and obviously doesn’t think things through. I have a solution to make everyone happy, though. Let’s just say we’ve got an agreement with Aquaman and the Atlanteans to try KSM. Then the liberals will be like, “That’s great, because the Atlanteans are sophisticated people; they’re not like the savages in America.” Then we’ll tie KSM to a big a rock and throw him in the sea while wishing him a good trial and the liberals will applaud that civility had won out.

The secret is though: There is no Atlantis. KSM will just end up sitting at the bottom of the ocean and have his eyes eaten by crabs. Poetic justice, really.


  1. You’re quite the humanitarian.

    I’m more of the opinion we should cannonize him.

    He’s in Cuba, there has to some old European fort on some island in the area with some huge-caliber, black powder cannons we could fit him in.
    The youtube rights alone would pay off this year’s military budget for Iraq.

  2. I’m really tired of ksm and his buddies. The fun is gone. The humor has gone into reruns. There is nothing more to say.

    My suggestion would be to lock them into one cell in Gitmo. Turn out the lights, Air Condition, Cable TV, and everything else and leave them with 1 Baconnater apiece. Check back every 6 months or so to see if they are funny yet.

  3. I’m tired of people calling this loser KSM, like he’s a rap star or an alternative to Kentucky Fried Chicken. Next they’ll be labeling him K-Diddy. Why don’t we, instead, just refer to him as something catchy, yet more fitting, like “That Muslim Douchebag”.

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