What’s Wrong With Arlen Specter?

Honorable Senator and professional grumpy old man Arlen Specter angrily told Congresswoman Michele Bachmann to “act like a lady” when she interrupted him during a radio talk show interview.

I ain’t Miss Manners, but that seems a little inappropriate for a discussion between duly elected Congresscritters.

Wonder what’s prodding old Switchin’ Specter’s irritable bowels to get him in such a huff?

I speculate thusly:

“Shut up, toots! I’m talkin’!… now… the important thing was that I had an onion tied to my belt, which was the style at the time…”

* Not used to having women talk back to him. Heck, he’s still getting used to the notion of pushbuttons on his telephone.

* Kids on his lawn again, and him not sitting in his favorite yellin’ chair.

* Feeling conflicted – yeah, Kennedy’s seat went to a Republican, but at least their ain’t some broad sitting in it.

* Hates that every new invention starts with a lower case “i”. Misses the days when the prefix “electro” was cat’s pajamas.

* Still upset that Barbara Boxer got called “ma’am“, instead of the proper honorific, “Little Missy”.

* Wet Depends

* Bachmann is a German name, and it’s just too soon to start trusting the Krauts again.

* Really, really misses Rosebud.

* Not barefoot – fine. Not pregnant – fine. Couldn’t she have at least called that radio show from her kitchen?

* Once jilted by a flapper named “Michele”

Anyone else care to venture a guess?


  1. Perhaps he’s been a senator for such a long time and has become so accustomed to having his senatorial ass kissed, that he just couldn’t stand having her not pay him the proper deference that he knows he so richly deserves. Also he’s probably still smarting from all the flack he got at his town hall meetings from all those uppity Tea Party people and this was his chance to strike back. At least he wasn’t yelling, “Now wait a minute, now wait a minute!!”

  2. My friends, I am and will always be proud to call myself a Pennsylvanian – born in Gettysburg. The commonwealth of William Penn, the great chief Tamanend, Benjamin Franklin, General John B. Reynolds, and Major Richard Winters.

    I am always saddened when this man opens his mouth and spits bile and lies, further tainting our once noble commonwealth, but I will not apologize for those in Pennsylvania who have voted for such a man. They simply don’t know what it means to be a Pennsylvanian.

  3. MarkoMancuso: I assume you take comfort in the fact that Specter was born in Kansas and didn’t move to Pennsylvania until he was in college.

    No, I’m not picking on Kansas. You folks out there had the good sense to let him leave and not ask him back.

    But, to Harvey’s question: Why did Specter say what he said? He majored in Douchebaggery at Penn.

  4. Feeling conflicted – yeah, Kennedy’s seat went to a Republican, but at least their ain’t some broad sitting in it.

    LOL Harvey! Score! (Although he is right) *ducks flying objects*!

  5. To be honest, I sometimes wish the talking heads Would take turns and not constantly interrupt each other.
    Sean Hannity is notorious for it, but they all do it.
    Maybe if Sen. Al Franken had been there to strictly enforce the 5 minute rule, this unladylike behavior could have been avoided.

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