IMAO Reader Theater: “The Rachel Maddow Show”

Chris (websterglobe) presents: “The Rachel Maddow Show”

If, like me, you went to a public school, you’ll probably need this historical reference link afterwards.

[Xtranormal direct link]

Take a hippie-punch at fame by creating your own IMAO-worthy video at Xtranormal (“If you can type, you can make movies“). Send a link to and I’ll give it a look. If it isn’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and it doesn’t suck too terribly bad, I’ll post it and let the readers throw roses and/or tomatoes at you.

The Greatest Principle of Liberalism: Condescension

Here’s a good article on liberals and their condescension problem. Liberals are constantly trying to find ways to just dismiss conservative ideas rather than engage them because that’s the easy, childish thing to do. If you can just say everyone who believe different than you is stupid and evil, it makes it really easy to be sure in your beliefs and never have to question them. Anything else requires doubt, uncertainty, and most of all humility to contemplate others might actually be smarter on an issue — adult things. It’s much easier to make your guiding principle how smart you are and throw a tantrum when someone could be so stupid as to think differently.

Proverbs 18:2 – “A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart.”

If the only reason you can come up with for someone having a different viewpoint is that the person or stupid, then you can be quite certain you’re just being willingly stupid. That’s not to say there aren’t some views that are noxious and harmful, but you’ll better off to understand them than to just dismiss them. Only a sociopath doesn’t have good motives — though I do sometimes wonder if that’s an overrepresented group in career politicians.

News and Stuff

* Airborne laser shoots down missile. This was a laser on a plane, so it’s like halfway to being a laser in space. Maybe next we can put a grenade launcher on an ostrich which is like halfway to a dinosaur with a rocket launcher.

* People support gay men and lesbians serving openly in the military, but not homosexuals. As for gay men and women who are also homosexual, no one wants to be around them at all because that’s just weird.

* A nameless Republican is already within two points of Obama in a recent poll. I keep telling you people, if we can just find a way to legally run an unnamed Republican in a Mexican wrestler’s mask, we’d never lose an election again.

* John Hawkins polled right-wing bloggers on a bunch of controversial issues. If you’re curious, I voted with the majority in each question. Apparently Kos polled on a bunch of controversial questions and used as proof that Republicans are extreme and can’t be worked with. That’s a bit like the pot calling the kettle an apoplectic, fringe weirdo, but when you look closer at the pot you realize it’s not a pot at all but Markos Moulitas wearing a black turtleneck, curled in a ball, and eating his own feces.

What to Call Obama Supporters

Yesterday on Twitter (that’s where everyone is these days except for the most flaming of homosexuals), Jake Tapper referred to Palin supporters as “Palinistas” but just called Obama supporters “Obama supporters.” He then asked what then was the word for Obama supporters, and there are a number of competitors. Here’s my suggestions:


* Obamulans

* Obamabots

* Obamatons

* Obamunists

* Hopemongers

* Sheep

* Obama-lama-ding dongs.

* Barackaholics

* Dumbasses

* (redacted because Palin would ask to apologize)

* Stupid, Smelly Hippies


* A Rapidly Shrinking Minority

What do you call Obama supporters?

Random Thoughts

“Snuck” is not a real word?

Palin demonstrates a rule I noticed also with Bush: The dumber someone is, the more convinced he is that his political opponents are stupid.

Dismissing everyone opposed to you as stupid or evil is a strategy that just leads to screaming and whining. It’s a toddler’s strategy.

If something is controversial based on whether Kos Kids shriek and shake their cages, then basic American principle are controversial.

I’m a classical liberal; I hold to the unfortunately still radical notion of individual liberty.

Has anyone checked the laws to see whether we can run a nameless Republican in a Mexican wrestler’s mask? Polls show he’d win.

Weird seeing Kos Kids belittling Broder saying Palin should be taken seriously. She commands more attention than that fringe group.

I believe in global warming, but it usually seems to happen in the summer.

I wish Pandora had a “funkier” button.

Not screwing up the progress Bush made in Iraq probably will be Obama’s greatest accomplishment.

I know we have a contract until 2012, but do you think Obama could be replaced with Leno?

I’m a well-wisher of Bill Clinton in that I don’t wish him any specific harm.

Ahh, the good old days when a Democrat president was just an embarrassment but not a complete screw up.

I wish Bill Clinton a recovery as well, but I have no preference on whether it’s speedy or not.