Bowing to pressure

Here’s how the president treats various dignitaries:

“Your Highness is most kind to grant this audience.”

“Thank you for seeing me, Your Excellency.”

“I am honored to be in your presence, Mr. Premier.”

“Madame Mayor is most gracious to see me.”

“You can find your way out, right? And drop this in the trash for me, how ’bout it?”

I am so waiting on November 6, 2012.


  1. I heard he also awarded the Dali Lama a pair of presidential cuff-links.
    Po’tus didn’t notice that the Lamas traditional costume Doesn’t. Have. Sleeves. because his head was stuck in a bucket at the time.
    The Dali Lama remarked, “You call this snow? You call this cold? Look at me! I didn’t even bring a coat And I’m wearing Sandals! Bunch of whiny babies … Karma’s a b*tch ain’t it? (And believe me, I Know Karma!)”
    I nominate the Dali Lama for “Un-named Republican” candidate!

  2. You would think the White House would have a gazillion dollar trash facility just to create some jobs if nothing else. A few two by fours and boards and suddenly 1600 Penn. Ave. looks as classy as a Section 8 condo in Boise. And I heard Michelle snorted and rolled her eyes when she saw his puny human sized biceps.

  3. Algo, quick question, then you can be on your way. Why do you libs always insult anyone who doesn’t worship at your alter of gay by calling them “fags”? It seems to make a lie of your whole “we are the party of tolerance”, “gay pride” platform.

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