Random Thoughts

“Snuck” is not a real word?

Palin demonstrates a rule I noticed also with Bush: The dumber someone is, the more convinced he is that his political opponents are stupid.

Dismissing everyone opposed to you as stupid or evil is a strategy that just leads to screaming and whining. It’s a toddler’s strategy.

If something is controversial based on whether Kos Kids shriek and shake their cages, then basic American principle are controversial.

I’m a classical liberal; I hold to the unfortunately still radical notion of individual liberty.

Has anyone checked the laws to see whether we can run a nameless Republican in a Mexican wrestler’s mask? Polls show he’d win.

Weird seeing Kos Kids belittling Broder saying Palin should be taken seriously. She commands more attention than that fringe group.

I believe in global warming, but it usually seems to happen in the summer.

I wish Pandora had a “funkier” button.

Not screwing up the progress Bush made in Iraq probably will be Obama’s greatest accomplishment.

I know we have a contract until 2012, but do you think Obama could be replaced with Leno?

I’m a well-wisher of Bill Clinton in that I don’t wish him any specific harm.

Ahh, the good old days when a Democrat president was just an embarrassment but not a complete screw up.

I wish Bill Clinton a recovery as well, but I have no preference on whether it’s speedy or not.


  1. Has anyone checked the laws to see whether we can run a nameless Republican in a Mexican wrestler’s mask? Polls show he’d win.

    if he punches hippies I’ll vote for him.

    If something is controversial based on whether Kos Kids shriek and shake their cages, then basic American principle are controversial.

    Kos kids the reason you should spay/neuter liberals.

  2. “Snuck” is indeed a real word. Jennifer Garner was on Conan a few years ago, and he used “snuck” and she got all pissy on him. “You went to Harvard. You should no better,” that kind of thing.

    He got a dictionary at the ad break and put it in her face — “Snuck — part part. of sneak!” and she went as red as she could do. Busted.

    DUmmies jumped on Palin as stupid for using “snuck” last year, but were forced to eat shit when someone YouTubed Obama using it.

  3. “Snuck” is not a real word?

    Leapt. Dreamt.

    Considering the average spelling skillz you see on the internet, I think “snuck” is perfectly safe. Very cromulent.
    Look, if you went to a wood shop and jigsawed the word “snuck” out of a piece of pine, brought it to the woods, dropped it, it would make a sound. Therefor it’s a real word.

  4. Clinton wasn’t truly ill. He had heard that hospital was full of interns.

    I has “snuck” on a second grade spelling test.

    We should run Fred Thompson as our masked presidential nominee. Otherwiise his terrifying gaze would strike all liberals dead. We don’t want streets full of stinking decaying unbathed hippies. Phew. And Ferd knows how to punch a hippie in the face.

  5. “I know we have a contract until 2012, but do you think Obama could be replaced with Leno?”
    At this point I’d be happy if he were replaced with Biden.

    “I’m a well-wisher of Bill Clinton in that I don’t wish him any specific harm.”
    I am more spiteful. I want Bill to live forever, because I think Hillary deserves him. I want Hillary to live forever, because Bill deserves her. My only doubt is that I wonder if their continued existence is too cruel to wish upon Chelsea.

  6. i believe in global warming also. Had it not warmed over the last 10,000 years, we would all be living on mile deep glaciers. What I dont believe is that the what warming may have been observed over the past 100 years is anything other than part of that cycle which is beginning to swing in the other direction. Also anytime mankind has tried to fix nature, they have only succeeded in FUBARing it. See Kudzu, Cane Toads, rabbits in Australia, etc. etc.

  7. “…Kos Kids shriek, and shake their cages…”>>>>>>>>Now, THAT’S FUNNY!
    If you lose the Mexican Wrester’s Mask(we’re too Raaaaacist! for that ), and legally change you name to Nameless Republican, you’re sure to win election.
    So, the ‘Avatar’ movie, with all it’s technological wizardry, didn’t have a ‘Funkier’ Button on the 3-D glasses?
    Regarding the Bill Clinton hospitalization for Stent Surgery; no word on the number of sexual harassment lawsuits to be filed by the hospital’s female staff.

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