The Greatest Principle of Liberalism: Condescension

Here’s a good article on liberals and their condescension problem. Liberals are constantly trying to find ways to just dismiss conservative ideas rather than engage them because that’s the easy, childish thing to do. If you can just say everyone who believe different than you is stupid and evil, it makes it really easy to be sure in your beliefs and never have to question them. Anything else requires doubt, uncertainty, and most of all humility to contemplate others might actually be smarter on an issue — adult things. It’s much easier to make your guiding principle how smart you are and throw a tantrum when someone could be so stupid as to think differently.

Proverbs 18:2 – “A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart.”

If the only reason you can come up with for someone having a different viewpoint is that the person or stupid, then you can be quite certain you’re just being willingly stupid. That’s not to say there aren’t some views that are noxious and harmful, but you’ll better off to understand them than to just dismiss them. Only a sociopath doesn’t have good motives — though I do sometimes wonder if that’s an overrepresented group in career politicians.


  1. So their windows are a little foggy on the inside. It os no reason for us to make fun of them. When global warming hit with this much ferocity, the liberals can’t help but have a little steam, fog, and condensation. I mean just because they don’t have enough sense to use a dehumifier, is no reason to think they are “ retards”. After all, the best of us forget to crack a window now and again.

    Whats that? Oh! condensention!


  2. A friend of mine has found that liberals have a belief system that contain these three principals:
    * Wealth is fixed – it only changes hands.
    * Truth is relative.
    * People are basically good.

    From my experience, he’s pretty right on.

  3. Dennis Prager had a great write up on this the other day

    “It is commonplace for liberals and leftists to avoid refuting conservative arguments and just dismiss the conservative with one of seven epithets: “Racist,” “Bigoted,” “Sexist,” “Intolerant,” and the three phobias: “Homophobic,” Xenophobic,” “Islamaphobic.”

    Such ad hominem dismissals of conservatives and their arguments testify to the shallowness of those using these terms, meaning, unfortunately, most mainstream commentators and spokesmen on the left. The fact is that epithets substitute for thought — and at the same time render it easy to write a left-wing column. It is the Frank Rich Formula: make believe the other side has no thoughtful argument, offer no argument of your own and debase your opponents.”

  4. You’re spot on here, Frank. You can’t argue your opinions if you don’t have the common decency to listen to others. If a liberal senses you’re not listening to him, he’ll do what’s instinctive: He’ll turn off his own ears. That’s how shouting matches start, and in the end, no one benefits.

  5. “* People are basically good.” -Genghis Khen (most liberals)

    I agree with that. But many are just sick in the head and most of them are liberals.

    I also like absolutes and building things: like wealth. Most liberals just don’t know how things work or how to build them so they don’t know where wealth comes from.

    Speaking of wealth: our money system is based on debt, not wealth. I just can’t get past that, philosophically.

  6. A modification:
    Liberals believe that THEY are basically good.
    That’s why they believe they should be in charge of everything.
    Conservatives should operate on the principle that everyone is basically evil, and that therefore NONE of us should be trusted with absolute power.
    It’s safer that way.

  7. Con-; meaning: with, together,joint(ly)
    -descension: meaning: the act of decending,going downwards,falling,sinking

    I take it to mean that the liberals want to take us down with them. Just say, ” Hell No, we won’t go!”

  8. I’m just a stupid, neanderthal, knuckle dragging, racist, nazi, trailer park, mouth breathing, evil conservative.

    So . . . what do I know? Sounds like every program I’ve ever seen on MSNBC. Hmmm, was that condescending?

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