What to Call Obama Supporters

Yesterday on Twitter (that’s where everyone is these days except for the most flaming of homosexuals), Jake Tapper referred to Palin supporters as “Palinistas” but just called Obama supporters “Obama supporters.” He then asked what then was the word for Obama supporters, and there are a number of competitors. Here’s my suggestions:


* Obamulans

* Obamabots

* Obamatons

* Obamunists

* Hopemongers

* Sheep

* Obama-lama-ding dongs.

* Barackaholics

* Dumbasses

* (redacted because Palin would ask to apologize)

* Stupid, Smelly Hippies


* A Rapidly Shrinking Minority

What do you call Obama supporters?


  1. I love how the following line comes from the post right below this one:

    “Dismissing everyone opposed to you as stupid or evil is a strategy that just leads to screaming and whining. It’s a toddler’s strategy.”

    Hypocritical much?

  2. Pingback: Mind Numbed Robot

  3. Barry’s Kids
    Pinko Snuggies
    Public Servants
    Non-working Poor
    Friends of Marx
    Code Prick
    Kool Kids
    The fired up and ready to go
    the immoral minority
    reality deniers

  4. Socialists. Hmm, not exactly.
    Progressives. Getting closer.
    Corporatists. That’s the polite word for it (Thank you Jonah Goldberg!). But, why be polite?

    Fascists. That’s the word. Think they’ll ever admit it?

  5. Well, ever since the whole “tea bagger” slur got started, I thought to myself, “what a cowardly way to address protestors with legitimate grievances. You’d have to be pretty bird brained and gullible to swallow the ‘bunch of white racists’ line MSNBC was so proud of…”
    hmmm… cowardly MSNBC bird brain…. chicken? rooster? … and gullible fools?
    But then I got confused because MSNBC’s logo isn’t a rooster, so that didn’t make enough sense.
    If only there was some way that I could think of to make “rooster fool” into a euphemism for a homosexual sex act, I could be just as clever as liberals!
    Alas, my conservative brain is no match for the cleverness of those MSNBC – peacock suckers.

  6. An oBAmSTARD Child or Obamanations

    I am strongly in favor of the Tea Bagger moniker. Many great movements adopt the derisive name used by there soon to be dispatched opponents. Remember tea bagging is the little dance you do after destroying your enemy. And i am all for tea bagging Obama.

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