Alpha Proxima Day

This needs mentioning, since “Earth Hour” is Saturday at 8:30pm

Help Soylent Green celebrate Alpha Proxima Day.

Which, as we all know, is the day where you turn on enough lights in your house to outshine both Alpha and Proxima Centauri

Yes, I know that for the IMAO readership, EVERY day is Alpha Proxima Day, but feel free to make a special effort Saturday night, because a bunch of eco-dipnuts and their gullible and trendy college-age acolytes aren’t going to be doing their part to keep America’s generators humming and her power plant workers securely employed.

Hey, here’s a thought. If you live next to someone who actually participates in Earth Hour, cut their power lines so that when they go to turn their lights back on at 9:30, the electricity that they just denigrated will appear to have gotten their rude little message and granted their wish to live forever in the dark like cavemen.

Maybe next time they won’t take electricity for granted.


  1. Pingback: Alpha Proxima Day–Smoke Em If You Got Em « SOYLENT GREEN

  2. Oh, I can hardly wait. My personal tribute will be to turn my upstairs AC unit all the way to ‘Antarctica’ and keep things comfortable by turning the downstairs unit all the way to ‘brimstone’. And for good measure I’ll leave my 7.3 liter diesel truck idling in the driveway for the whole hour. All hail Gaia!

  3. @Silicon Valley: I looked it up. It’s local time.

    And by the way, Greenwich Time or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) are politically incorrect. The new term is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). I know, the abbreviation doesn’t work, nor does it reflect the fact that the Brits were the first to standardize time, nor does it indicate that Greenwich is still the standard.

    I’ll be celebrating at GMT-4.

  4. Aahh, “Earth Hour”. Or, as it’s better known around my residence, “Time to turn on every light and appliance for FOUR hours.”

    It will be funny to again see how many of them are on message boards and blogs during the time when they’re supposed to be “saving” all that electricity, happily oblivious to not only how much electricity their computer uses, but also that the same amount of electricity is still being created at power plants during that hour no matter if everyone has their lights on or not.

  5. People who take electricity for granted…take science for granted! People who take science for granted…take rogue asteroids for granted! People who take rouge asteroids for granted…probably take me for granted!…..Joe The Vice President, F**ker in charge of ‘Big F**king Deals, F**king Washington D. f**king C.!! PS: Damn, that wasn’t an open mike was it!?

  6. I spent some time reading the wikipedia entry on Alpha Proxima.
    Although it’s the closest star to earth, it’s still too dim to be seen with the naked eye.
    Although it’s a red dwarf, it’s still prone to occasional violent outburts which make it hostile to life.
    Since it burns its hydrogen fuel at a much more miserly rate than our sun, it should remain a main-sequence star for 4 TRILLION years.
    It’s red, but you can’t see it, it’s dangerous and yet stingy, no good to anyone but it never goes away.
    Remind you of anything?

    Should be easy to outshine.

  7. A red WHAT 4of7!! We my not yet be able to have you arrested for that kind of hurtful statement but we can certainly have you investigated!! Your attitude has been noted and we are watching you closely….The Politically Correct Thought Police, thinking of you, Washington DC PS You’re headed straight to room 101 if you don’t watch your ass.

  8. Politically Correct Thought Police? (spits on ground)
    I shall empty my nostrils at you!
    I f*rt in your general direction, you silly PC person!
    And if you return, I shall taunt you again!

  9. I love the photo of that UP “Big Boy”!! Thundering across The Fruited Plain with a load of consumer goods, sending a plume of smoke into the sky, and letting everybody in sight know that capitalism was employing everyone willing to work.

  10. Pingback: Happy Alpha Proxima Day 2012 « SOYLENT GREEN

  11. Pingback: Yea, Alpha Proxima Day!!! « SOYLENT GREEN

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