Guess Obama’s Password

A Frenchman hacked into Obama’s Twitter account by simply guessing the President’s password.

According to the UK press, “the key word is said to have included the name of his beloved dog, Bo.”

So… what do you think Obama’s new password is?

Respond in the comments. Best guess wins High Praise!

I’m guessing that it’s related to his wife this time, so maybe “Lursa“.


  1. I think it is either Obama’s name itself ( which has Bo spelled back words), since he IS that arrogant, or it’s Bogibbs in honor of his two favorite pets. It may also be Teleprompter….

  2. Yeah, I would have guessed 12345 as well.

    I’m guessing that his new password is “BIGEFFINGDEAL” or “LETMEBECLEAR” or even “YOURPASSWORD”. (You know, “Mr. President, put your password here…” …igh, if I have to explain it, it’s not funny…)

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