How not to treat a friend

Barack Obama continues to show he’s no friend of Israel.

This week, he refused to allow pictures of his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Then, Obama walked out of the meeting.

After failing to extract a written promise of concessions on settlements, Mr Obama walked out of his meeting with Mr Netanyahu but invited him to stay at the White House, consult with advisers and “let me know if there is anything new”, a US congressman, who spoke to the Prime Minister, said.

“It was awful,” the congressman said. One Israeli newspaper called the meeting “a hazing in stages”, poisoned by such mistrust that the Israeli delegation eventually left rather than risk being eavesdropped on a White House telephone line.

The United States has a long history with Israel. The U.S. was the first nation to recognize Israel.

But that was when we had strong leadership in the White House. And, yes, it was a Democrat that issued the recognition: Harry S Truman.

Now, we have someone in the Oval Office who defends Israel’s enemies while constantly criticizing our strongest ally in the Middle East.

In the 2008 election, nearly 80% of the Jewish vote went to Obama.

How’s that workin’ out for ya?


  1. Truth be told, Obama was embarrassed by the fact that the “nuclear football” which contains the launch codes for the US nuclear weapons arsenal is tiny compared to the “nuclear dreidel” which follows Prime Minister Netanyahu around.

    It is nearly 200 kilograms of solid wood, takes 6 men to carry, and 12 men to spin.

    What makes matters worse is that Netanyahu denies that it’s there.

    “Who are these men?” says Obama.

    “What men?” says Netanyahu.

    “The ones with the big top,” says Obama.

    “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” says Netanyahu. “So which way is Mecca?”

    “Oh, it’s this- HEY STOP THAT!” shouts Obama. “Tell these men to take that big top out of here.”

    “What big top?” says Netanyahu. “Is this some kind of circus.”

    “Oh screw this,” says Obama. “Let’s have dinner.”

    “What’s for dinner?” says Netanyahu.

    “Pork chops,” says Obama.


  2. The little maggot is emulating Reagan…in his own miniature, bucktoothed chipmunk way. I expect the little scumbag to stand before the wailing wall and say, “Mr. Netanyahu…tear down this wall. And while you’re at it, invite all of your dirty Jew friends into this cool movie watching chamber. I’ll be there in just a minute”.

    No democrat partisan deserves to live in peace. They deserve to be hounded. No peace.

  3. BTW, why do they keep calling Israel’s housing projects “settlements”? They’re not colonizing a neighboring state; they’re building houses at the periphery of Jerusalem.

  4. How ironic, in order to find out what the dictator is doing, you have to read English newspapers. This is one more reason they decided to crown Oblahma instead of what’s her name, when white people openly hate Jews, they’re evil Nazis, when “blacks” do, it’s perfectly fine.
    If it weren’t for double standards, they’d have no standards at all.
    Any bets on how long it will take to call anyone who wants a special prosecutor RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST?

  5. I am a Christian, and I believe that when the “End Times” really kick into high gear – whenever that may be – Israel will most likely be under attack by many, many enemies.

    Good to know which side the U.S. government is taking.

  6. Almost 80% of Jews voted for Obama because most Jews are liberals – and like all liberals, they won’t even take their own side in a fight. Jews who will take their own side in a fight (Israel, time and again) are a discomfiting mystery to most American Jews. “Why can’t they all just get along?”

    I don’t know. Why can’t you just order what’s on the menu? Why do you get a third for my pain and suffering? Why does your kid’s bar mitzvah have to be at The Plaza?

  7. I’m with Marko on this.

    Given the mess with Iran, I’m reminded of the Israeli strike on the the Iraqi nuclear facility in ’81. After the news broke, Ronald Reagan held an NSC meeting prior to the upcoming U.N. Security Council vote. Reagan asked each NSC member to give a recommendation. As they went around the room, each told the president to condemn Israel, and this opinion was unanimous before Al Haig was the last to speak. Al told him, “Mr. President, someday we will get down on our hands and knees and thank God that the Israelis have done this.” Reagan ignored the rest of his advisors, he listened to Al, and the US prevented U.N. censure of Israel.

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