Important Note

I don’t use my last name that often on IMAO, so this doesn’t come up a bit, but I saw it a lot when people were suggesting names for the IMAO baby. So I just want to make this clear:

Fleming is spelled with one ‘m’.

Yeah, my name was spelled correctly multiple times right there in the post, but people kept going off and putting two ‘m’s in it. I hear there are such things as two ‘m’ Flemings, but they’re probably pretty rare and inbred and freakish. As a rule, Fleming is only spelled with one ‘m’. But people like to put two in it for some reason. I don’t know why. Some people like the comedy of Dane Cook. Not everything I understand.

Anyway, misspelling my last name is a little pet peeve of mine. No big deal, though. But if I see it again, that’s instant banning. And I’ll try to block your ip address to so you can’t even visit this site. And I’ll wish your death. I won’t actually do anything about it, but I will wish it.



  1. Y’know, gotta double the consonant before “ing” if it’s not a long vowel before the consonant.

    There’s worse things than being verbed, though. My name (esp. full name) is several nouns at once, *none* of them complimentary. And that’s when spelled correctly.

  2. Ok, so during that baby-naming fenzy, when you were getting suggestions like El Guapo Flemming and Crotch Puncher Flemming and Mama Mirabel Orchard Princess Flemming, the thing that REALLY pissed you off was the extra “m”?


  3. Ji, Phrank, why so thin skinned? As the son of illiterate, tater famine Irishmen who while trying to “blend” here changed their dirty sounding Irish names by removing the O’ and adding an F (to be fancy and get hired as a slave), I have little empathy. In my family, no one since the late 1800’s has ever heard their name pronounced properly by anyone who read it first (or seen it spelled properly after hearing it).

    We’ve won a lot of spelling bees since then, though. hoho

    Chuck Coffer(rhymes with gopher)

  4. But we were discussing the identity of a child, on the internet. We were trying to preserve his/her anonymity with a clever pseudonym. Your child will be safe so long as the bad guys are searching for a Fred T. Flemming, and don’t know his real name only has one M.

  5. You just can’t get a rise out of Frank these days when he’s busy Tweeting. Frank, you really should set aside a day a month where you interact with your fans readers commenters. (Not that it would do us any good.)

  6. As a side warning like 3 out of 4 times someone gets bitchy about their name and its spelling its a flaming liberal. Just saying keep in mind its slippery slope from name hyper-sensitivity to identity politics. Your name is Frank embrace its inherent masculinity.

    I have Biblical name that even my own family and lifelong friends and girlfriends misspell. One time I couldn’t remember if it ended with a -thon -than. Actually I’m still not sure. Indifference to such personal petty things shows a rare quality of character.

  7. I relate to this sensitivity. I hate to have my first name mis-spelled, and try politely to quietly stop it before it gets way out of hand. I’ve seen my name spelled vivian, vivienne, vivenne,vivenene and it drives me to irritation, of sorts.

    So cut this dude some slack, will ya?

  8. island girl, we simply love hate love hate love hate love hate love hate love hate love hate love hate love hate love hate love hate love hate… love Frank.

    Frank loves that kind of (RF) oscillation!

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