Random Thoughts

With how the left keep saying the right is violent and must be stopped, I’m afraid the left is soon going to get violent. Saying one side is encouraging violence is just going to encourage violence. We need to stop irresponsible anti-violence rhetoric before it leads to violence. Look what happened to Ann Coulter.

Next generation won’t even be capable of political violence thanks to obesity.

So what’s all this talk of right-wing violence? Did a Dutch cartoonist depict Ronald Reagan?

Why would someone shoot at Cantor? Despite his job title, he doesn’t actually whip minorities.

Let’s not equivocate. Democrats are getting threats, but no one threatened Cantor. They only shot at him.

What we need at times like this is some big celebrity scandal to distract everybody. Tom Hanks, want to take one for the team?

If we act upset at attacks on Republicans, we’ll only encourage more attacks on Democrats. Best attitude: “Pfft. Who cares. Shoot at Cantor all you want.”

Where do kids learn political violence? Videogames. If only Mario tried to settle his disputes with King Koopa non-violently. Fire flowers are supposed to be registered, so of course Bowser wanted to end the question-mark block loophole.

Can’t we all calm down and focus on the real enemy: Rogue asteroids.

Nothing to be angry about. I never expected the country to be around forever. Going to enjoy it while it’s here, though.

My advice, make sure to have the backup skill of digging holes. No matter what, the world will always need more ditches.

I just hope the inevitable collapse of this country doesn’t happen before the release of Iron Man 2.

I expect the biggest challenge for us right after the collapse of America will be shoddily constructed Thunderdomes.

I propose we get ahead of the curve and create a Thuderdome regulatory commission.

Also, to conserve material, we should consider making our leather jackets with only one sleeve.

Anyway, I’d started reserving your Blaster Apprenticeship with the Master Blaster.

It must have been cool to be the first Roman in your neighborhood to get a glass window. “It’s solid, but you can see through it! Will technology ever cease to amaze!”

Politics go deep, but it should never be what you are.

In the next Star Trek movie they’re going to take on Kahn and finally start to see the improvements from Obamacare.

A lot of people seem to think Frum is smart, but how smart can you be and lack self-awareness of how irritating you are to fellow cons?

The IRS is now going to be part of your health care. Audits will soon also involve a colonoscopy.

Community is funny is so many different ways it’s not funny. Except it is.


  1. The title of this daily post should be changed to “Don’t Spew Your Coffee.”

    The standard greeting in America when an IRS agents knocks at your door will be to turn around and bend over.

  2. The IRS is now going to be part of your health care. Audits will soon also involve a colonoscopy.

    To many liberals, this will be seen as a feature and not a bug.

    What we need at times like this is some big celebrity scandal to distract everybody. Tom Hanks, want to take one for the team?

    Dontcha think that distraction is the intention? Democrats are masters of the misdirection move.

    I propose we get ahead of the curve and create a Thuderdome regulatory commission.

    Keep your laws off my Thunderdome!

  3. RT -The tea-party has mostly been a layman attempt to retake control of the Republican establishment after the troublesome Bush years.

    -The first signs of the Tea Party was when it appeared suddenly to stop Bush and the Republican congress from pushing Amnesty. Nor Bush nor congress ever recovered and were chased out of town.

    -“Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains,”

  4. Warning to celebrities!
    Buddy up, sleep with the lights on, make sure your wills are up to date, stay away from creepy camp grounds or transvestite hookers, and get clean and sober if you’re able.
    The Obaminator needs another distraction – and he doesn’t care who’s next.
    The Grim Reader will stalk the land … I’m just sayin’.

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