The New Nazis

Ann Coulter had to cancel a speech at the University of Ottawa because of the angry mob that showed up. The neo-liberals have always been uncomfortable with free speech. At even the suggestion of someone having an opposing view to theirs, they get stirred up to the point of violence. Of course, they justify their behavior by saying the other side is angry and hateful and must be stopped at all costs.

I guess the new Nazis would be liberals locking up Jews or some other group to prevent those people from being “oppressive and violent.”

Which is really just the old Nazis.


  1. Yep, “Dems fear violent backlash” has been the headline on Drudge all morning, meanwhile Repub. Cantor’s office is the first to have experienced actual violence (some thug(s) shot it up overnight). Also washes with the “beware the angry backlash against Muslims!” put out by the likes of CAIR after any terrorist attack. What we’re seeing from these people is as perverse as it is pervasive.

  2. Have you ever looked up fascism on wikipedia?

    Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right of the conventional left-right political spectrum.

    Huh. I always thought that the nazi party was the national SOCIALIST party. Also, since when has the “far right…” EVER considered government intervention in anything appropriate?

  3. Burmashave’s first rule: There’s thems that talk and thems that do, and never shall the twain meet.

    Is true. Always. Those complaining about violence are usually the most violent. Those who whine about freedom of speech are usually the first to try to squelch it. (Ann is used to this. Conservative speakers have been squelched on campuses going back at least to the ’70’s.) Those who promise loudly to clean up corruption are often the most corrupt.

    Thems that do usually don’t trumpet their doing because they figgur that folks will judge them by their actions.

  4. Personally, I think the best thing we can do for them is to occupy Canada. A troop of Girl Scouts ought to do it. Or Ann Coulter. Or a giant picture of Fred Thompson about to punch a hippie on our side of the Niagara Falls should be enough to get them to surrender.

    “Please, oh please don’t send Fred Thompson and Ann Coulter across the border to punch us! We surrender! We surrender!”

    We don’t want Quebec, though. Cut it off and let it float back to France or we’ll send Fred Thompson and Ann Coulter to beat you to a bloody pulp. Capice, eh?

  5. Nazism was national socialism, Stalinism was international socialism. Your leftist American or Euro believes that the socialism was fine it was the nationalism that caused all the problems. Your average right winger thinks nationalism wasn’t the real problem but that socialism with Statism backed with full time brain-washing by the media and academia is what fueled and enabled the Nazi machine. These sort of events being on the rise I think support the right wing view of Nazism.

  6. I think this fits something Mark Steyn likes to point out, like how after 9/11 we all kept hearing about the dangers of backlashes against Muslims. So thousands of Americans died and all we heard about were imaginary future victims that never happened. Steyn also likes to quote Arnold Toynbee: “Civilizations die from suicide, not from murder.”

  7. I will copy and paste my rant about the Coulter thing from the other day:

    I see liberals especially Canadian liberals don’t understand what she is doing. So let me invert it so they may understand”

    Imagine if a pro-gay speaker came to a college and said, “I want to marry my sister and my dog and I think gay marriage laws are the fastest way to secretly get that legal.” Liberals would find that hilarious. Same reason some Conservatives who get what she is doing find Coulter funny and right. They are glad she mocking their opponents ridiculous mis-characterizations of them.

    Or if a female leftist said, I love the smell of aborted fetis’s in the morning. Hence mocking the sometimes conservative protract that feminists not only approve of abortion but like it also.

    Would a liberal take that literally? Or would you understand that they are mocking the ridiculous premise and insinuations of their critics? I think I could come up with hilarious liberal versions of Coulterisms’ all day long. I would like to think that liberals would now understand what Anne is doing but then fascists aren’t known for their sense of humor.

  8. I’m a Canadian and a conservative. Those protesters aren’t true Canadians. Places like Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Halifax are much like San Francisco, New York or Chicago. They’re havens for far left lunatics. I’ve encountered this types of protesters at the March for Life a few years ago, they showed up with golf clubs, smoking pot and tried to cover up our posters and signs(these were not the graphic images of abortion, but signs that simply read ‘Choose Life”) with blankets and sheets. I honestly thought they were at the brink of violence.

  9. Marko, the problem is that without the foul language they have little to say. It cuts their vocabulary by two thirds. Then they sound like Obama without a teleprompter.

    “uuuh, errr, ahhh, whot?”

  10. I have known a few Canadians ranchers, military, etc. all high quality people. Don’t get me wrong I worked in BC for a bit and met plenty of the militant unionists, the heroin welfare cases, and pale faced che’ chics. But like anywhere in the world once you get out of the cities there are lots of good people who just want to be treated fairly not trampled on and not nannied.

  11. Most of the Canadians that I know are very upset about losing access to quality health care.

    I more than a little disappointed in the poor quality of our own Liberal Fascists. Give me a break. Nazi’s pulled off the Reichstag fire! What are our lefties doing? Complaining about coffins and nasty emails. I’m embarrassed for the country!

  12. Check out this 1947 Video entitled “Don’t be a Sucker” about the Nazi’s use of grievence politics to Gain control of Germany

    The Democrats are actively trying to divide us by prejudices and stoking grievances – Rich Businessmen against Poor workers. The Privileged White man robbing the Black man of jobs. The Racist Conservative against the illegal immigrant. The Patriarchical Society of Business Men oppressing women. Homophobic Straight against persecuted gay. Why is the GOP characterized as being the Party of the evil, selfish, uncaring, homophobic, racist, Swastika carrying ,scrotum sucking, teabagging, mouth breathing , hillbilly, illiterate, domestic terrorist White Man Neanderthal who irrationally clings to his gun and his bible ? Because he is the Fascist Left’s “Jew” – the cause of all of the country’s woes.

    Like the Nazi’s, Democrats promise you will get your fair share of the wealth and power hoarded unfairly by the evil White Racist Businessmen in the new regime they will impose – Hope and Change! They will pump up your ego and give your life real meaning. Opposing the evil White Man and joining with the Democrat Party makes you Special. Enlightened. Caring. A kind of Morally Superior Master Race. A Superman. As such you are justified in whatever you must do to violate the rights of others! After all you are saving the World! Steal their property for your causes, take over their businesses, and put your political puppets in charge, make them work to pay our Party member’s bills!! Everyone will bow to our Parties morality – one World, one village, one voice, and we will punish you if you are politically incorrect – you will be kicked out of school, you will lose your job. Don’t you dare bash Muslims or Homosexuals. Don’t you dare speak ill of people being deadbeats if they have a certain color of skin. We will silence you with hate speech laws and politically correct speech codes! You are not allowed to express your own opinions- the people of the Party deserve and demand your respect! Don’t listen to Fox news, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or The Founding Fathers! They were all Rich Racist Homophobic Men! Don’t listen to them! Silence Them! Don’t listen to Sarah Palin – She is not a Real Woman! Don’t listen to Coulter, she is evil! Don’t listen to any of “THEM” . “THEY” should be silenced! “WE”, the enlightened Master race will give you what “THEY” unfairly took from you. Join with us and we will bring Hope and Change to the World!

    If you Scratch a Liberal, you will Find a Fascist. Every. Single. Time

  13. I watched the video of that and it was basically a mob of lunatics screaming “No hate speech on campus.” …

    I guess no free speech either. If they really wanted to get to Coulter, wouldn’t it have been more humiliating to let her speak to an empty auditorium? It’s not like there was a mandate for them to go. Instead they whine and scream like infants.


    Maybe we all need to take a hippie punching safari up north.

  14. Meanwhile, Obozo is best buddies with Bill Ayers….and that’s ok with them, the alleged PRESIDENT is friends with an actual real life TERRORIST who took part in KILLING PEOPLE….and these f’ing nut cases have no problem with that. Things like this need to be pointed out to them every time they speak, period. I wonder how many of the “threats” the pukes got were actually fake like the BS claims of racism that the CBC HOPED would happen which is the only reason the walked right through the crowd in the first place.

    It’s funny how the hotter the conservative babe is, the more they hate her, I wonder why that is?

  15. The fallacy: World’s despots were right wingers.

    Marx – liberal (socialist)
    Stalin – liberal (socialist)
    Mao – liberal (socialist)
    Pol Pot – liberal (socialist)
    Adolf – liberal (socialist)

    The danger of oppression has ALWAYS come from the left.

  16. The fallacy: World’s despots were right wingers.

    Marx – liberal (socialist)
    Stalin – liberal (socialist)
    Mao – liberal (socialist)
    Pol Pot – liberal (socialist)
    Adolf – liberal (socialist)

    The danger of oppression has ALWAYS come from the left.

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