Viagra for Rapists

So Democrats rejected an amendment to the health care bill that would have prevented giving Viagra to rapists and pedophiles. So why do Democrats support giving erections to rapists? Well, I think if you were to identify the heart of modern liberalism, it’s pedophilia. Kind of like how at the behind all our ideas like tax cuts and liberty is our racism, everything from health care to the environment that the liberals push on the American people is part of their end game of social acceptability of pedophilia. “Fairness”, “Progressive”, “Reality-Based” – these are all just liberal codewords for buggering children.

So next time you see liberals at some “anti-war rally” (I don’t even want to tell you what that’s really about), keep kids away from them.


  1. Not just children–many of the predators on the lists have raped adult women. Ladies, a vote for a Democrat is a vote to undermine your own personal safety.

    Yeah, preaching to the choir here, I know.

  2. Liberals, lead by the Kennedys, Massa, Clinton, Frank, Edwards, Studds, Condits, Dodd, et al DO NOT want their free viagra cut off. I guess we we have proof democrat is code for pervert.

    “Hey little girl, ‘;ve got some mandated progressive movement right here for you”.

  3. Well, just like some democrats like to use the phrase “We’re all just one paycheck away from being homeless ourselves,” most democrat lawmakers realize they’re just one arrest warrant away from being convicted rapists and pedophiles. So, like always, it’s really a matter of looking out for their own self-interests.

  4. Ok so who are the child molestors in congress that think boner candy a good idea? I’m thing mass casteration for the lot with the end results shoved up their asses to make the point super extra extremely clear!

  5. Actually Democrat == pedophile isn’t very far from the mark.

    There is a reason we have the phrase “Pinko Commie Fag” in the lexicon, they have naturally went together since the beginning of the “Progressive” movement. And what is the gay lobby’s number one pet hobbyhorse that they both really really want yet most are terrified of speaking of in public? They want the NAMBLA agenda, i.e. they want to be free to sodomize young boys without worrying about being sent to prison by us reactionary prudes.

  6. Huh? Did I miss a step of the lawmaking process? I thought the Senate and House were all done writing and arguing the particulars of the bill! If not, what did Obama just sign into law?

  7. “Huh? Did I miss a step of the lawmaking process? I thought the Senate and House were all done writing and arguing the particulars of the bill! If not, what did Obama just sign into law?”

    They’re talking about the so-called reconciliation bill.

    The bad news is that all these rapists will be impregnating our wives and children, using Federal tax dollars. The good news is that they can all get abortions, with Federal tax dollars. See? Those Democrats thought of everything.

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