What They’re Calling Obama

Obama said that half the 40,000 letters he gets each day call him an idiot. So what do the other half call him? Here’s a sampling:

* Moron

* Naive

* Socialist

* Communist

* Kenyan

* Elitist

* Aloof

* Man-child

* Muslim

* Bush


  1. Dear Obama,

    Remember when you said you’d rather be a good one-term President than a George Bush sort of two-term President?

    Oh, man, we had a good laugh at that.

    The United States of America

  2. @formerhostage Not everyone knows the liberal who described Obama that way. So when people who don’t follow politics miss the inside jab they think we sound racist.

    -great father
    -good husband
    -crappy president

    Obama is just another Insular Liberal from the academic-political world who has never really questioned his own political opinions and it is why he will always have a glass-jaw when someone else questions his blindly accepted premises. In this way he and the lady who cuts my hair are very very similar.

  3. when people who don’t follow politics miss the inside jab they think we sound racist

    Most of them think just saying you don’t like him makes you sound racist and probably couldn’t even tell you who Joe what’s his name is.
    President Biden is sounding better every day.

  4. Teleprompter-reader-in-Chief
    Dumbo (for the ears)
    Palin’s Understudy
    Dumbo (for his policies)
    Predecessor to the 1st competent black President

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