
Here’s an interesting article on the Science! of laughter. I find the Science! of humor pretty interesting myself and have numerous theories and how it works and its purpose, but have just never gotten to formally writing them down. Then again, I made most of my theories through observation and never actually gotten around to doing any real experimentation — like tickling rats.

Still, if I dissect humor enough, then I can write a computer program to write all my jokes for this blog, and they will be the funniest jokes ever because they will have been selected by Science!. And maybe not everyone will get them, but other computers programmed with the same humor algorithms will find them quite funny. Then the computers will trade jokes and laughter back and forth but it will just look like a bunch of hex numbers to us and then we’ll get all paranoid about what are the computer joking about and worry that maybe they’re all laughing at us. Then we’ll go to shut down the computers, and that’s when Skynet freaks out and nukes us all.

Eh, maybe I should just get some rats to tickle.

Why Is Obama Drilling?

So now Obama is for offshore drilling. He says he was always for it and we just heard him wrong in thinking he said the complete opposite, but I know this is a reversal of previous policy. So what is he up to?

Here’s my theory: He’s going to install spy satellites… UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH!

That’s right: He’s going to drill into the earth and put satellites that will ride the liquid hot magma to flow under us and spy on us. He’ll use them to see whether we bought government mandated health care and whether we’re making fun of him… WHICH WE’RE PRETTY MUCH DOING ALL THE TIME!

We need to oppose him, but we can’t use the real reason of stopping his underground spy satellites because he’ll just deny that. Instead let’s just say we’re against drilling because it hurts polar bears somehow. And when people ask why do we care about polar bears, we say polar bears are useful because… oh, I don’t know. Why do people care about polar bears? Do they do funny little dances or something? I might have to do some research.

They Just Don’t Understand

There are a lot of things liberals believe that they’re pretty well trained not to say. Like that they want a full government takeover of health care. Most liberals want that, but most — especially elected officials — know to keep that to themselves because it makes people angry. Still, these liberals don’t quite understand why these things they want make people angry, which is why they slip up quite often.

Joe Biden recently said, “If you call that a ‘redistribution of income’ — well, so be it. I don’t call it that. I call it just being fair — giving the middle class taxpayers an even break that the wealthy have been getting.” Now, liberals are pretty well-trained to avoid the “redistribute wealth” and similar phrases, but again they don’t understand why it’s a bad thing other than it makes people angry. As Biden says, and lots of liberals think, it’s just being fair. Why would people be against being fair?

Then we had Rep. Phil Hare stating how he doesn’t care about the Constitution if it gets in the way of helping sick people. The thing I find remarkable about that video is how hapless he look in that video. He thinks he’s saying something heroic — “I won’t let some silly document get in the way of me helping sick children!” All he’s doing is expressing an attitude that’s pretty pervasive among liberals (how many have taken the Constitutional question of Obamacare seriously and not just handwaved “the Commerce Clause covers that”?); why would people be angry about it?

That’s the thing with liberals: They’re not being mean-spirited or anything; they just don’t understand. They see all the anger out there and it just confuses them. It’s like when SarahK and I play Trivial Pursuit on the ground and then our dog comes over all happy to greet us and walks on the board and knocks all the pieces off. We yell at her, but she has no idea what she did wrong.

Which leads to this point: The solution to liberals — shock collars.

Random Thoughts

If Obama keeps things up, we should do what they did in Atlas Shrugged and lift globes over our heads.

Still trying to teach my dog to headbutt people in the groin. Maybe she’ll be ready next April Fools Day. “Don’t worry; she doesn’t bite.” Heh.

I was a natural at curling. I never even lost my balance once. I’ll be the next Shuster.

Phil Hare does seem pretty emblematic of liberals. “I could have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for that meddling Constitution!” Funny thing is he thinks he’s making a heroic statement. “I want to help you so bad, I’m not going to let the Constitution get in my way!” Phil Hare, the Constitution isn’t the Prime Directive and you ain’t Captain Kirk.

Consitution? We don’t need no stinking Constitution

Those wacky Illinois politicians. And this one’s not even from Chicago.

Rep. Phil Hare (D-IL-17) says he doesn’t worry about the Constitution (tip: Allahpundit)

[Direct link]

When he swore to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” he must have been talking about defending against himself.