Another dimension

Frank J had a post about alternate universes … and wondered if we could trade Obama to one.

Then, he mixed his metaphors … or his TV shows; the Star Trek reference turned into a Twilight Zone reference. I thought only I did stuff like that.

Still, he made an interesting proposition. And it got me to thinking.

What would happen if Barack Obama ended up in a Twilight Zone episode? Or, more to the point, which Twilight Zone episode would I like to most see happen to Obama?

Here are some possibilities…

Time Enough At Last: At the end, Obama breaks his teleprompter.

The Howling Man: At the end, Obama gets locked up again on the monastery’s basement.

Twenty Two: This episode gets renamed “Forty Four.”

The Dummy: David Axelrod co-stars.

What You Need: This one will play out exactly the same way.

The Whole Truth: Yes, Obama is the Khrushchev character.

To Serve Man: Wait! This is actually happening. Let’s take this one back.

Alternate Universes

Apparently some scientists have made proof of alternate universes, having made a “paddle” both visually vibrate and not vibrate at the same time.

So what does this mean as a practical matter for us?

It means we need to find a way to replace our Obama with the evil bearded Obama from an alternate universe. If he’s evil, we can only assume he’ll be an arch-conservative, but he’ll look the same except for the fancy goatee. And we banish our Obama to the alternate universe. He’ll try for a political comeback there, but when he goes to the politics store to buy what he needs, they’ll be like, “Sorry, but we’ve never heard of teleprompters in this universe.” Then Obama will freak out and it will be like the end of some Twilight Zone episode.

Black Conservatives

All this mindless prattle on how conservatives must only be for low taxes and small government because they’re racist has finally cause some focus on black conservatives who of course are a problem with that moronic meme.

Isn’t it a sad fact that in this day and age it actually takes courage for someone who is black to come out in support of liberty and against big government? With white people, we can take what ever political views we want. Yes, some will argue with us for them, but we won’t get called a “race traitor.” With blacks (and a lesser extent some other minorities), they have their political views chosen for them and can become a social outcast for picking their own. What the hell is that? How are low taxes and self-reliance “white” ideas? I assume that will fade away over time, but certainly not quick enough.

Michael Steele

Michael Steele RNC Chariman

Just Another Rightwing Cracker

I noticed I haven’t really said much on Michael Steele on IMAO. That’s because I intensely don’t care. He’s the RNC Chairman. I usually don’t even know who that is. Someone people think he’s doing a horrible job, but I’m not sure what to compare him to not really knowing what a good RNC Chairman is supposed to do. Apparently fundraising is doing well, but if people think Steele is a big drag, then get rid of him quickly. If you can’t get rid of him quickly, then I’d shut up about him with all the other stuff we have to focus on. In the least, Steele doesn’t seem to be in the way of success in November only so much in that other Republicans seem to see the need to constantly talk about him.

Net Neutrality

Okay, so what the hell is Net Neutrality? All I know about it is it’s something the Kos Kids are going on and on about and pretty much no one else cares about, so I can only assume it’s extremely asinine. And knowing what left-wing considers a “moderate,” I can’t help but be suspicious of anything they consider “neutral.”

I think the crux of it is that an internet provider could choose to allocate resources to certain sites and apps, making others slower. Thus the Kos Kids are all worried that the Daily Kos could end up taking forever to load and wants the government to make sure that doesn’t happen, but is them waiting longer for Daily Kos really a tragedy or something? It’s not like any of them actually has anything better to do.


If you haven’t seen this yet, it will almost make you feel sorry for Arianna Huffington. She tries to ignore the discussion about Marco Rubio to mindlessly attack Giuliani like some little yip yip dog — for no reason other than I guess it’s her nature as a mindless liberal — and then gets raked over the coals for it:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

She really seems like some bad SNL character who doesn’t quite understand English or what anyone else is saying; I’m not sure how anyone else takes her seriously.

Anyway, is there a better example of an effective politician than Rudy Giuliani? Pretty much it’s always debatable how much a politician has to do with anything (most of a politician’s success is linked to the economy, and it’s always unclear how much politicians can influence that), but it’s pretty clear New York City was horrible when Giuliani came into office and he cleaned it up tremendously and it stays that way today. With the huge disparity between pre-Giuliani NYC and post-Giuliani NYC on things like crime and debt, it’s pretty much an objective fact he was a great mayor of NYC. Of course, how else could Republicans keep winning in a city that’s six to one Democrats?

Random Thoughts

Verbosity is a good camouflage for having little of importance to say.

The iPad has been out for a few days now, so when do we get to find out what its purpose is?

My scientific opinion is that birds should not be classified as dinosaurs because they’re stupid and boring and dinosaurs are awesome.

And what’s with drawing dinosaurs with feathers on them now? They look like they’re getting ready for burlesque show in Vegas.

Scientists are determined to take all the cool out of dinosaurs before my kids get to hear about them.

I’m never even watched college basketball once in my entire life, and I still hate Duke.

The only reason I hate elitists is because I failed in my tryouts to be one. Poured wine into a beer mug.

I want an iPod, an iPhone, and an iPad so I can sit and enjoy them on my own personal, tropical iLand.

It would be awesome if the next time Palin is caught with something written on her hand it says, “NOT PENNY’S BOAT.”