Death by Space Shuttle

Hey, I have an idea for a new execution method: We tie someone up under the booster rockets of the space shuttle. They should kill quickly — but you’ll never know when they actually get used because launches get scrubbed last minute every time. That adds an extra element of fun. And other countries can’t call us “barbaric” or “uncivilized” for this, because could a barbaric, uncivilized country kill someone with a space shuttle? Other countries don’t even have space shuttles because they are dumb compared to us.

Still, I bet some people will try to get it made unconstitutional for being “cruel and unusual punishment” — and I guess it’s at least somewhat unusual. Still, maybe we can get it through under the Commerce Clause or something.

Could 2010 Be Another 1894?

Just a note: If the Republicans want to be able to shout, “Woo! High score!” and then enter in their initials (“GOP”), they need to claim 126 seats from the Democrats. Sounds nigh impossible, but there is a bit of a perfect storm brewing with all the Democrats screw ups and how they just came off of a wave themselves.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if the Republicans had a huge majority like that? Then any time Obama has some new idea on how to expand government and tries to get it passed, the Republicans will just be like, “Shut up! And get me a soda, bitch!” Well, hopefully they’ll be that way, or we’ll need a third party.

War with Iran

Iran, as always, is moving towards nuclear weapons, and now Sen. McCain is starting to rattle the sabers. Are we really going to end up in a war with Iran? Led by sissy Obama goober? Probably more likely Obama is just going to sit there and make speeches, and then Iran will get the bomb, and then Obama will be like, “Well, nothing we can do now.” Then Iran will actually use the bomb and Israel will go ballistic and… lots of fun.

There’s probably not a happy ending to this Iran scenario, but who knows. Anyway, I think we should all rewatch 300 to see strategies that worked against the Persians. There’s a big difference, though, since in that movie their leader is very tall while Ahmadinejad can fit nicely in a shoebox.

Anyway, this should make all those people who want us out of Afghanistan and Iraq happy, because I’m thinking the way to get us out of there quickest is needing to start a new war with Iran. I just hope North Korea doesn’t use the distraction of the conflict to cause trouble, because that’s just what we need right. Well, I’m sure China and Russia will help out if that happens.

Tax Day

It’s Tax Day! It’s the day we all give back to the government so the dimwits in Congress can quickly waste the money on some bridge to nowhere. Man, if it weren’t for withholding, today would be a day of complete chaos and anarchy. It would be awesome.

I just wish this day didn’t have to feel so much like take a big portion of my earnings from last year and throwing it in a pile and burning it. What am I paying for these days? Defaulted mortgages caused by earlier jackassery of the government? It would be nice if the government at least humored us, sending us pictures of terrorists getting blown to pieces labeled, “Your taxes paid for this.” Then I’d at least feel my thousands of dollars were going to something useful. Instead I keep hearing about million dollar grants to some random museum in a Congressman’s district that didn’t even request money.

Here’s what we should do. I assume a lot of the Congressmen use some credit union or something in D.C. We should find a way to hack into all their accounts, steal all their money, and then spend it on completely useless crap… like everything from the Sharper Image catalog. Then they’ll get know what it feels like.

Random Thoughts

I don’t believe in gorillas.

Remember: It’s the duty of every American to make sure he pays as little in taxes as legally possible.

Why, yes I do have a mouse in my pocket and he does agree with my statement.

Isn’t Blu-ray already on its way to obsolesce? It involves motors and moving parts; it’s like something a caveman would use.

Blu-ray versus streaming is right now like a really fancy horse carriage versus an early model car.

One good thing about Heaven is it’s probably not full of hipsters. If it was, they’d probably just be enjoying it ironically.

Upgrading to Visual Studios 2010. Hopefully it will put a bunch more icons and windows on screen I’ll have no need for.

What’s happens if I neglect to pay thousands in taxes? The media will make fun of me for a few days when I become Secretary of Treasury?

If I make too much money for so many deductions, then why do I feel so poor right now?

At a time like this, it would be nice to pretend all that money isn’t going to end up a drop in the bucket on some pork project.

Like, it would be nice after mailing in my taxes, the government sent me a picture of some of the cruise missiles I helped fund.

I write a check to my church, I feel I’m doing something useful. Write a check to the government, just a step up from burning it.

Basically, all our money this year is going to pay for all the mistakes from the government’s jackassery of the last couple years. We won’t even have enough money to pay for the jackassery from this year.

I guess I should take some solace in my relatively absurd standard of living compared to other countries, but it’s hard right now.

IDEA: Lollipop should be included with tax forms and labeled “For after you finish.”