Zo Responds

Charles Blow, token black guy for the elite, white New York Times, saw Zo’s appearance at a Tea Party and called him a “minstrel.” Zo has responded:

Are Tea Parties Seditious?

I’ve been kinda wondering what the point of all the left-wing hand-wringing about the right’s rhetoric. The left can be pretty mindless, so maybe there is no point, but still perhaps they see some end of the tunnel. The goal certainly isn’t to influence the right who correctly see it all as pretty opportunistic (“You know that rhetoric you’re using that’s devastating us in the polls; you have to stop it before it leads to violence!”), so the only other option is they plan to use legal force to stop it.

Enter Joe Klein saying that maybe Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are seditious. It’s just one leftie now, but if they consider salt dangerous and in need of banning, they could feel the same of right-wing rhetoric. I don’t seem much political will for that, but you know they’re all hoping and praying for some big violence from the right so they have an excuse for another “Hush Rush” bill or something.

The way things are going, the left is going to get increasing desperate as November approaches. Don’t be surprised what they do, though most of it will probably backfire. My guess is the only extreme thing they won’t resort to doing is trying to debate the Tea Parties on the issues. Even they know how bad that would backfire.

Voting for a Representative in Idaho

I live in Idaho, which as you probably know is a very Republican state. Strangely enough, I now have a Democrat representative for my district — Walt Minnick — because apparently the previous Republican one was such a horrible screw up that he got voted out in the last election (while my district also went 60.69% for McCain). Now basically Minnick has been a DINO, voting with the Republicans on all the important legislation of the past two years. That’s behavior you want to reward, and the Tea Party in Idaho has endorsed him.

But in the end, he is a vote for Nancy Pelosi as speaker. Also, I recently got a chance to meet him and he sounded very much a Democrat in area of the Constitution, as while he was against Obamacare for fiscal reasons, he thought the Commerce Clause covered forcing everyone to buy health care and was against the state of Idaho challenging that in court think it was a waste of taxpayer money.

So, I dunno. Anyway, Walt Minnick’s likely opponent is Vaughn Ward (I just realized with all these hyped primary fights I keep hearing about, I have no idea when any actually primary votes are). He sounds pretty damn conservative (he recently got the Sarah Palin endorsement which probably flies pretty well here in Idaho), and he’s an Iraq War vet (I should mention, though, that Walt Minnick is a Vietnam vet). So Vaughn Ward seems like a good person to represent me in Congress, but what do you think?

Somehow, I don’t see all you guys telling me to vote for the Democrat, but I thought I’d ask.


So, looking at this poll, is it fair to say 49% of Democrats hate America?

Random Thoughts

Has any leftie columnist writing about overheated rhetoric and possible right-wing violence ever done so in an introspective way? For instance, has any said, “Here’s where we in the left went overboard in the past and the right needs to avoid that mistake.”?

Is it really inconceivable to the left that someone earning $40,000 a year would care if the rich are being unfairly taxed?

“Your rhetoric that is devastating us in the polls, you need to stop it before it causes violence.” Sound like a threat, actually.

In tough economic times, it’s nice to know we can still afford the luxury of someone whose job is to say “Hi” to us when we enter Walmart.

Can’t the left and right unite and agree to blame everything wrong in this country on fat kids?

After McCain is reelected, how long do you think it will be until he’s infuriating conservatives again? A week? A day? An hour?

“Previously on Lost: Actually, if you haven’t been watching all the episodes until now, don’t even bother.”

For Earth Day, I’m going to spend the entire day on Earth.


Whether or not Einstein said it, it’s true that doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is a definition of insanity. Keep that in mind…

So many problems are created by government. Not that government is a bad thing; it’s not. But out-of-control government is a very bad thing.

The bailouts — first begun when Bush was president, but under the direction of a Democrat Congress — were something I opposed when they were proposed.

The bank failure was caused by government. And the bailout was government getting more involved.

Think about this: if you put a bunch of monkeys in a room and let them run loose, and they caused damage to the walls and furniture, would you then give those same monkeys hammers, nails, and paint, asking them to fix things?

No, you’d remove the monkeys and deal with the consequences. It might be a rough time for a bit, what with all the mess the monkeys made, in addition to all the collateral damage that will result. But that’s what you’d do.

Of course, it was your fault for putting the monkeys in charge to start with.

In case you missed it, them monkeys? Democrats. Keep that in mind in November.

And keep in mind that insanity quote.