Best Thing Cheney Ever Did

Cheney recently described him telling Senator Leahy to go “@#$% yourself” as the “best thing I ever did.” I don’t know; that kind of sells shooting a lawyer in the face with a shotgun short.

So what’s your favorite thing Cheney ever did? I liked the time he announced a speech in a desert just to trick protesters there so he could kidnap them and force them to work in one Haliburton’s underground uranium mines.

A Riddle…

The Democrat National Convention is held at the New Orleans Superdome. Every prominent Democrat politician, donor and activist is there along with many of the Hollywood glitterati, high-ranking progressives from the world of academia and many, many prominent labor leaders and personal-injury attorneys.

The adoring media, of course, is packed in alongside them all to provide us with wall-to-wall coverage of every minute and tell us all how wonderful they are.

Suddenly, there is a great shaking, and the earth opens up and swallows the entire stadium, which disappears without a trace. Despite a mighty effort on the part of the emergency crews, they can manage to find only one survivor.

Who was saved?

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Is Obamacare Derogatory?

Jon Stewart seems concerned that the term “Obamacare” is derogatory. Is it?

Well, it combines Obama’s very unpopular health care bill with Obama’s increasingly unpopular name, so, yeah, I guess it’s derogatory. If Obamacare were popular, then it would be complimentary. As it is, it’s pretty derogatory. It’s not fair to compare it to the term “teabagger” though as that was chosen because its the name of a vulgar sex act. I don’t think Obamacare is a vulgar sex act, and if it is, I really don’t want to hear what that is. I could only guess it would be very unpleasant and not at all consensual. “Just stop struggling; I promise you’ll love it!”

Time for Everyone to Make Fun of Muhammad

So Comedy Central censored a recent South Park for even mentioning Muhammad, and we have to start wondering if we’re going down a real bad path. As soon as we start not making fun of Muhammad out of fear, we’re going to be rewarding violence. Of course, it’s hard for Comedy Central to stand out alone doing it when so much of the other media in America has shown unwillingness to back them up.

I’m starting to realize that President Bush dropped the ball after the riots following the Danish Cartoons. The best response to that was to then encourage people to make even more fun of Muhammad and only stop when the violence stopped. Bush himself should have drawn a picture of Muhammad fighting Godzilla or something. That’s basic tit for tat: Bad behavior needs to be punished and good behavior rewarded.

Currently, we have a very perverse system where, since Christians behave themselves and don’t kill people, you can make fun of them (the same South Park episode demonstrated the double standard by depicting Jesus watching porn and Buddha snorting coke and that wasn’t censored). But since Muslims riot and kill, we can’t make fun of them. So, in summary: Behave, get made fun of, commit violence, get respected.

So, is anyone going to make a stand? Or are we going to let free speech get chipped by people who have no respect for freedom? I would really hope this is something all of America could get behind as it shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Right now there are hundreds of millions of Christians in America and no one worries for their safety if they make fun of them. Less than one percent of America is Muslim, though, and people fear for their lives about crossing them. What if we get more Muslims? I know we don’t want to invent a conflict or hurt the feelings of peaceful Muslims, but it’s better to draw out any problems now than let this erode us from the inside. It’s time for everybody to make fun of Muhammad.

Obamacare Will Be Hugely Costly? Gasp and Shock!

Economic experts at Health and Human Services have concluded that Obamacare will cost a huge amount of money we don’t have.

Yes, this is apparently a revelation for some people… Obama for instance. Seriously, though, if you actually believed that Obamacare would save money, find a sturdy wall and pound your head against it. You’ll stop automatically when you’ve done it enough.

So is the only way to make Obamacare’s ends meet to make doctors slave labor? Don’t be too surprised if they do it. They’ve been selling Obamacare as trading in silly freedoms like being able to choose whether or not you buy health care for FreeSmarts™ like guaranteed health care. What’s a little more freedom for a lot more FreeSmart™?

Random Thoughts

How is “Obamacare” derogatory? Is it because it makes it sound foreign?

Of course “Obamacare” is derogatory; that’s because the program is unpopular. If it’s popular, it will become complimentary.

Here’s a deal: We’ll call Obamacare whatever the left wants us to call it after we repeal it.

I hate how SarahK is bragging that she can feel the baby kicking but I can’t feel the baby yet! Stop picking favorites, baby!

I can be a powerful enemy, baby! And Obi Wan never told you the truth: I am your father!

Make every day Boxing Day.

Seen three episodes of the British Office now. Not quite getting it. A British sitcom is kinda in the uncanny valley. They seem a lot like Americans, but slightly different. And it’s creepy.

Not making fun of the prophet Muhammad is giving into terrorism.

Tit for Tat: If a group threatens violence for us doing something, we should do it even more.

I guess “Obamacare” is derogatory just like “Democrat” as an adjective is horribly vulgar for unknown reasons.

It’s human nature that once you get a shiny new idea, you run with it like crazy.

Q. Who is the great prophet of cows? A. “Moo-hammad” Heh. I love stupid puns.

The threat against Matt Stone and Trey Parker was pretty frightening. It read: “Derka derka Mohammad jihad!”

Earth Day Thoughts:

I won’t celebrate Earth Day until Mars also gets a day. Planet fairness now!

Earth isn’t even my favorite planet. It’s Gliese 581 d.

The Earth is 32.1% iron. Is that enough iron? Is anyone asking these questions?

The Earth turns 4,540,234,124 today, but it doesn’t look a day over 2,534,532,632. That’s due to erosion.

The Earth took God six days to create, ending one day ahead of schedule. God isn’t union.

If you really enjoy Earth, you can put a couple dollars in God’s tip jar. He’ll appreciate it.

Thank you Earth for having oil in you so we can put it in the cars and drive them! Vroom vroom!

Thank you Earth for killing the dinosaurs so they wouldn’t eat us! Please don’t kill us too!

Earth, you need to stop getting angry and shaking self at gay people and Satan pacts! You need calm down!

Thank you Earth for making teddy bears! They are my only friends!