IMAO Reader Theater: “Socialism Commercial”

Nephew Sam presents: “Socialism Commercial”

Some of you will note with great joy that this wasn’t made with Xtranormal and features an actual human voice. Apparently Nephew Sam possesses magical software obtained through arcane knowledge of the Dark Arts. Let us not anger him, lest he be tempted to use his powers for evil.

[YouTube direct link]

Take a hippie-punch at fame by creating your own IMAO-worthy video at Xtranormal (“If you can type, you can make movies“). Send a link to and I’ll give it a look. If it isn’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and it doesn’t suck too terribly bad, I’ll post it and let the readers throw roses and/or tomatoes at you.

Daily Reminder to Buy New IMAO Shirt

So did you buy my new shirt yet?

If so, why don’t you share how transcendent the experience was. Some say buying my new shirt is just like riding a dinosaur with rocket launchers on it as you destroy a village full of hippies.

And just imagine what things will be like when you actually get the shirt!

You don’t want to miss out! Buy now!

More Consequences of Arizona’s New Law

San Francisco has banned travel to Arizona. So if you want to do something that requires the help of a San Franciscan (and I really don’t want to hear what that is), don’t pass a law they find mean.

Also, illegal immigrants are vowing to leave Arizona over its new law. I guess an unintended consequence of the Arizona law is to make illegal immigrants feel unwelcome in the state. Sad.

With all this plus liberals vowing not to go to the state, could Arizona soon become a utopia? Perhaps. In five years, we’ll probably visit the state to find it full of shiny towers and flying cars like something right out of the Jetsons. So other states might want to consider this “enforce federal law” idea before Arizona hogs all the awesome for itself and eventually becomes a sovereign nation greater and more powerful than the U.S. due to its not having the ball and chain of liberals. And then we’ll have to be sure to be welcoming to our new Arizonian overlords.

Points Obama May Have Crossed

Obama said, “I do think at a certain point you’ve earned enough money.” I know we’re all glad Obama is looking out for who is earning a lot of money in this economy, because that’s really what we’re all worried about. Similarly, we should keep a lookout for Obama.


* At a certain point, you’ve expanded government enough.

* At a certain point, you’ve ignored the concerns of the American people for your own pet projects enough.

* At a certain point, you’ve said, “The time for talk is over!” enough and should shut up.

* At a certain point, your ears are big enough.

* At a certain point, you’ve had enough time to eat your waffles.

* At a certain point, you’ve been on TV enough.

* At a certain point, your vice president has said thing dumb enough.

* At a certain point, you’ve relied on your teleprompter enough.

* At a certain point, you’re socialist enough.

* At a certain point, you’ve completely screwed things up long enough.

Does Sneering Contempt for the Average Voter Hurt a Campaign?

Did you know Britain has elections? I thought they just had a king or something, but it looks like they have an election coming up soon. Now I don’t really know the different parties and how their positions vary on the chief British issues of crumpets and marmite, but it does seem the Labour [sic] Party is emulating the tactics of the left in this country. The other day, Ministerus Prime Gordon Brown talked all nice to an old lady and then, not knowing the microphone (called a “talkee cone” in Britain) was on, basically called her a stupid bigot as soon as he got in his horseless carriage.

People have not liked this.

Yes “sneering contempt for the average citizen” seems to be a campaign tactic falling out of favor both here and abroad. It wasn’t enough to sink Obama’s campaign when he talked about people clinging to guns and religion, but people do seem to be less tolerant of it now. I guess we just don’t really understand where the useless lawyers we elect to serve us get this feeling they’re better than everyone. I never told them they’re better than anyone; actually, I’m pretty sure I told them they’re stupid and a bunch of screw ups. Did you tell them they’re better than everyone? Well, whoever is giving them self-esteem, stop it right now.

Random Thoughts

A way to see if waterboarding is effective is to mandate its use for all politicians to see if it can get them to tell the truth.

A refried bean swastika? I thought we defeated the Mexi-Nazis in WWIII: The Search for Spock!

“Epistemic closure”? Sounds like something a doctor would prescribe a funny-smelling cream for.

Democrats can question people’s patriotism without controversy because no one takes them seriously on that issue.

I have a horrible wife. She takes way too long to cook me homemade quesadillas for lunch.

Liberals are threatening to stay out of Arizona. If the bill also got hippies to threaten to bathe, if would be the greatest bill ever.

Why do they make maternity clothes but not paternity clothes? I plan to get fat too.

Talk about how green something is and you can make yourself feel good. Make something save money and you can help the environment. Personal benefit is always going to be a million times greater a motivator than some religious green experience.

Pollution is inefficiency, and the best system we have to fight inefficiency are free markets.

Too much arguing. We either need to start loving each other or get better at killing each other so as to make the point moot.

“Gentile” is Hebrew for “gringo”.

If I had to choose only ten sites on the internet and lose access to all others, would be one of them.