Results of New In-Depth Study Revealed: Bush May Actually Be Hitler!

In recognition of the 65th Anniversary of Hitler’s “supposed” death…

After careful research into the claims of many leftists that President George W. Bush is, in fact, a carbon copy of infamous German dictator Adolf Hitler, we here at IMAO were more than a bit disturbed by the many eerie similarities we were able to uncover between the two world leaders.

Seeing as how George W. Bush was born into the world on July 6, 1946, a little over a year after the death of Adolf Hitler on April 30, 1945, we must agree it is quite possible that he is, in fact, the very reincarnation of history’s greatest monster!

Consider the evidence:

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New Plan for Liberals

I have an idea to get liberals to find out what wrong with socialism!

There are two main principles to liberals: They like the government controlling everything, and they think anything conservative are for is racist and evil.

So here’s how we use that against them: Next time the liberals propose some new socialist solution, all conservatives should be like, “Yeah, that’s a good idea; let’s do that.”

That will freak them out!

If all conservatives are for it, then liberals will be sure something is wrong is evil about it. They’ll frantically try to research what’s wrong with socialism so they can once again yell at us for our evil beliefs. Of course, when they come at us with what’s wrong with socialism, we’ll be like, “Exactly!”

Then the liberals we’ll be stunned and not sure what to do. Then we punch them in their dumb monkey faces!

Eh, I guess this plan doesn’t really get us anywhere we couldn’t get to by just punching liberals in the face in the first place.


So what’s up with Crist? Does he think the voters of Florida really want an establishment RINO candidate who went along with Obama’s stimulus and is orange? I just don’t think it’s his year.

Some people don’t take a hint. Usually it’s the left, who are like, “We need to be even more liberal this year if we want to win!” And then there’s Crist who think it’s the time for squish candidates who stand for nothing in particular.

All politicians are crazy. Normal people get regular jobs and don’t even think of running for office because they have too many actual things to do. Still, we do occasionally run into the exceptionally sociopathic candidates like John Edwards, and now here’s Crist running independent and pissing off his own party for no other discernible reason than he really just doesn’t want to get an actual job.

Again, this is all an argument for small government. Politics attracts weirdos like this, and this is why you want to limit the power of government as much as possible so there is only so much they can screw up. That should be government 101, but instead it’s a constant battle as the left apparently wants people like Crist who are out just for themselves making our health care decisions and more. We could all end up orange!

What to Expect from Fred Thompson’s New Book

Things would have been different if we’d elected Fred Thompson president, but 2008 just wasn’t a year we wanted conservative leadership and instead just wanted someone who said “Hope and Change” a lot. I hope that works out for us. Still, Fred Thompson has a new book coming out called Teaching the Pig to Dance.

It’s a memoir of his childhood growing up in a small town in Tennessee. I got a preview copy, and I learned a lot of interesting things about young Fred Thompson.


* Young Fred Thompson was always getting in trouble for sneaking up and tackling grizzly bears, and it got to the point that they could never maul anyone in peace.

* Young Fred Thompson’s elementary school science project nearly destroyed the sun.

* Young Fred Thompson’s first use of common sense politics was when he chased Democrats out of town with a shotgun.

* The first time Young Fred Thompson experienced taxes was when he was charged sales tax on a pack of gum, and he became so enraged that eventually the national guard had to be called in to stop him. The incident was what Rambo: First Blood was loosely based on.

* Young Fred Thompson was always pestering his cranky neighbor, Mr. Wilson, and eventually exposed him as a Communist and had him carted off.

* Before Fred Thompson punched hippies, Young Fred Thompson kicked beatniks.

* Once, with a single shot of his Red Ryder BB Gun, Young Fred Thompson shot out three people’s eyes.

* Young Fred Thompson made his own kite, which he used to fly in the park, the design of which was bought by McDonnell Douglas and eventually turned in the F-15.

* During a Boy Scout camping trip, instead of bringing a tent, Young Fred Thompson just cut down some trees and made his own lodgings. The result is still there as the city of Kingsport, Tennessee.

* Young Fred Thompson was always getting into trouble with his pranks as a child, such as when he broke into the state treasury and started mailing out “tax rebates.”

* Young Fred Thompson’s first childhood job: Commie-smasher.

* Young Fred Thompson had a beloved border collie growing up who would always warn his parents if he was in danger. Fred Thompson eventually got rid of the dog because he doesn’t like squealers.

* Young Fred Thompson first thought he might be destined for greatness when he had to fight off a cyborg sent from the future to kill him.

Also, as a bonus, the book contains a number of Fred Thompson’s childhood drawings of Muhammad.

Random Thoughts

Has anyone considered that maybe the problem with political debate these days is we haven’t called each other Nazis quite enough?

Even though you can’t see God, you can be sure He’s there and He’s watching you. He’s like a ninja.

Puerto Rico can become a state if they want, but they’ll have to change their name to “East Dakota.”

The reasons dogs bite the hand that feeds them is because it smells like food.

Our political system is made to promote sociopaths, but we still get surprised when they’re so blatant.

It’s been 23 years since the game Contra came out and the U.S. military still hasn’t developed a reliable spread gun.

Maybe Crist will get the confused old people vote that Pat Buchanan tends to sweep.

I’m pretty good at being a crank, but if I worked harder at it I think I could be much more of a crank.

I declare NBC’s current Thursday night lineup to be the greatest two hours of comedy ever in existence.

Hawaii would love it if Puerto Rico became the 51st state so they could stop being the n00b.

51 stars on the flag would be a little weird. Let’s also add a 52nd star to commemorate the unknown state.

Children shouldn’t draw things; they’re not very good at it.