How Can the Democrats Be Popular Again?

Poll after poll keep showing the Democrats at record low approval. And the Democrats are confused. “We keep kneeing people in the groin, but everyone still doesn’t like us. Maybe we should try urinating on them.” Alan Grayson has even started to go around yelling at people personally (hey, Democrats, come get your Congressman; he’s gotten loose again), but that still hasn’t helped. So here are my ideas to make the Democrats more popular:


1. Seppuku
2. Vow of silence
3. Self-immolation
4. Voluntary exile
5. Holding badgers near their face and shaking them
6. Bleach drinking contest
7. Imprisonment
9. Playing in traffic
9. Locking themselves in a building like in Big Brother but don’t film it
10. Choreographed dance number

So, just a few ideas, but the Democrats better getting working on them if they don’t want to get slaughtered in November.


  1. Simple.

    1) Tell democrat elected officials that The One says school buses full of democrats can fly.
    2) Wait for democrats to drive off cliffs to prove their Messiah is right.
    3) Applause.

  2. Those are some outstanding ideas, Frank. I particularly like self-immolation. That’s because it can be done with a nuke if they all have the courtesy to gather in one place. A self nuking. They don’t even have to do it themselves, I’d be more than happy to drop it on them myself. I’m sure there’s no shortage of volunteers here.

  3. Have Democrats show their love of the Kennedys by getting drunk and driving over tall bridges over deep water.

    Democrats hide between two giant slices of white bread at Michael Moore’s home. Hilarity results.

    Eat at the fast food joint that food poisoned me last week on vacation. The democrats will then really be brainless.

  4. Frank, inasmuch as I hate to question your insights, I think we have to eliminate any idea that requires a successful effort on the part of a Democrat. For example, #1 Seppuku doesn’t work because it presumes that any number of Democrats are capable of actually figguring out how to commit seppuku. So, I’d rule out all but #7.

    To see what I mean, Monty Python has prepared this excellent piece about the Twit Democrat Competition.

    Pay close attention to the final event, “Killing Yourself.”

    Proud Infidel is onto something if we can figgur a way to attract all the Democrats into one spot, say by promising a speech about healthcare by the One.

  5. -Remember when Pelosi/Rahm chose Dems who pretended to run as social moderates, pro life, fiscal conservatives, immigration hawks, and military moderates in 2006? That was when they were popular. It took Republicans from 1994-2005 to become heavily corrupted it took Dems 1 month of being in power to show their true colors.

    How to make Dems more popular? … Let them get unelected long enough for the people to forget they are 100% lying about their agenda.

    How to make Republicans more popular? ..

    -purge the corrupt Rino’s like we did in 06 and 08.
    -We need a Soros our volunteer media stuff is not at all competitive with the lefts. They are out-manned and outgunned on every front.
    -We need to start playing defense in entertainment and academia by covering our own from non-scandals the liberals create.
    -Start playing Offense, Liberals have been able to play pure offense and never have to watch their backs for all of living memory.
    -We have to start exposing youth to the power of libertarian ideals and the freedom, peace, safety, and prosperity that comes from federalized and constitutionally constrained government.

  6. I loved the list Frank. I would add the following to it:

    *Sky diving/base jumping without a parachute
    *Electrical outlet testing with their tongues
    *Participate in a PETA nude protest in Antarctica (as long as it’s not covered by any media)
    *Try to jump the Grand Canyon on a bicycle
    *Bathe in battery acid
    *Save water by drinking bottle antifreeze instead
    *Play with fire
    *Frontal Total lobotomy

  7. How about offering free waterproof tests by urinating on biker boots…while the biker is still wearing them?

    Full body massages…in prison.

    Accepting invitations to appear on any CNN “news” program and every time the host asks a question respond with:
    a) That’s a joke right?
    b) No! Weren’t you listening?
    or c) Gah! You’re such a ‘tard!

    Dancing with the Stars.

  8. If Democrats ‘practiced what they preached’, or even ‘preached what they practiced’, at least we’d know what to expect from them.
    It might make us vomit, recoil in horror, or fly into an unstoppable hippie-punching frenzy, but at least we’d know what to expect from them.

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