Idea So Obama Can Not Raise Taxes

With the rising deficits, it’s pretty inevitable that Obama will eventually pass some huge tax hikes. Still, he promised not to raise them, and at least five or six people believed that promise. So I have an idea so Obama can get more money without raising taxes.

Here’s what Obama needs to do: Hire a bunch of professional thieves to break into people’s houses and bank accounts and steal their money. I looked it up, and theft is technically not a tax. Obama can help out the thieves by passing a “Let’s All Keep Our Doors Unlocked” policy, plus with all those fundraising letters he sends out, he probably already has a ton of people’s credit card numbers. So Obama should be able to steal plenty of money.

Yes, people will be angry from all the theft, but Obama can just use that to help pass whatever his pet legislation is. Like how he used the jobs crisis to pass health care reform for some reason, he can be like, “I know what can stop all this theft: Cap & Trade!”

Wow, I could be like a really good Democrat if I wanted to.


  1. Sorry, but we already have a theft program. It’s called the IRS

    Also, suggesting that a black man, president or not would create a program of “theft” is very, very RACIST. Nice to see you have remained true to form.

  2. Just wait, the Democrats are trying to devise a way to take all of your privately owned retirement accounts, and put them under government control. Just like they did with Social Security, it won’t go in a trust fund, but into the general revenue.

    Seems like another country recently did just that.

    So, your idea is already in the planning stages, Frank.

  3. Other ideas:

    – Sell nuclear materials to Iran (they’ll be getting them soon enough anyway)
    – Renting out Congress might work, but it’s been done already
    – Resell all seized drugs (they already do it with cars and boats)
    – Send SEIU members door-to-door to “ask” for donations to the government
    – Really big garage sale

  4. I propose that we all create a tax “lock box”, in which we’ll deposit all our tax money. However, if you feel you need the money for something else, like new sneakers, you just take it and use it for that instead. Then at the end of the year, whatever is left of the tax money in the account can go to the government. That’s the way the government does it.

  5. Next year’s IRS form 1040 is going to have an option list on it. You will be able to choose what your taxes will pay for. If you’re a right-wing extremist, you can select guided bombs and cases of small-arms ammunition, if you’re a democrat, you can choose to buy a congressman, etc. Any returns with no option marked, the IRS gets to keep the money for their office party fund.

  6. Good idea Frank…and we’ll definitely implement it. However, we’re still going to raise you’re taxes…The Democrats, always looking for creative ways to steal your earnings, Washington DC.

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