Obamacare Will Be Hugely Costly? Gasp and Shock!

Economic experts at Health and Human Services have concluded that Obamacare will cost a huge amount of money we don’t have.

Yes, this is apparently a revelation for some people… Obama for instance. Seriously, though, if you actually believed that Obamacare would save money, find a sturdy wall and pound your head against it. You’ll stop automatically when you’ve done it enough.

So is the only way to make Obamacare’s ends meet to make doctors slave labor? Don’t be too surprised if they do it. They’ve been selling Obamacare as trading in silly freedoms like being able to choose whether or not you buy health care for FreeSmarts™ like guaranteed health care. What’s a little more freedom for a lot more FreeSmart™?


  1. …find a sturdy wall and pound your head against it. You’ll stop automatically when you’ve done it enough.

    Funniest thing I’ve read in quite a while. I’m actually still laughing about it.

  2. Ya know, this “Obamacare will save money” versus this “Obamacare will cost money” seems a lot like the “lying robot v. truthful robot” (or “lying Indian v. truthful Indian”) puzzler. How do we know which one is lying? Which door leads to ultimate doom?

  3. Oh the horror the horror, marksism is going to cost money. What ever shall I do? Wherever shall I go?

    So how long before the meme starts that the report was rigged? Lying stupid markists parasites in 3…2..1..

    BTW Marko, Score!

  4. Marko, yes the military is a government program. It costs lots of money. It is money well spent, but still costs a ton and there is a bunch of waste. However, I am willing to put up with the waste knowing that a U.S. sniper can kill a pirate at 30yds on two independantly moving platforms and a U.S. Marine can kill a ninja with just his thumb.

  5. A complicated power grab, designed by a crowd corrupt greedy cocaine-addled tax cheats, of 1/6 of the economy the people depend upon to survive go wrong? NEVER !!! What could possibly go wrong with that?

    This going to hurt a lot of people, and many will not survive.

  6. If only there had been some people with foresight to tell their congressmen about this BEFORE the healthcare vote. Maybe at those TOWN HALL meetings that the congresscritters are so fond of. Maybe all of this could have been avoided. /sarc

  7. Just started reading a new book…well actually it was published in 19 and 64 by John A. Stormer. It’s called “None Dare Call it Treason”. I’ve just started it and I finally realized how we got to where we are. Our government has been slowly and inexorably infiltrated by commies and socialists for the better part of the 20th century. Just a little trivia for your evening’s ruminations.

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