Ramblin’ Man

I’m known to ramble. Sometimes people wish I’d just shut up.

But I’ve got nothing on Barack Obama.

But Friday, at a question-and-answer session with workers at a battery factory, a woman told him she was overtaxed, and asked if more taxes was wise.

What did Obama do? He answered. More precisely, he talked. And talked. And talked

Obama started out feisty. “Well, let’s talk about that, because this is an area where there’s been just a whole lot of misinformation, and I’m going to have to work hard over the next several months to clean up a lot of the misapprehensions that people have,” the president said.

He then spent the next 17 minutes and 12 seconds lulling the crowd into a daze. His discursive answer – more than 2,500 words long — wandered from topic to topic, including commentary on the deficit, pay-as-you-go rules passed by Congress, Congressional Budget Office reports on Medicare waste, COBRA coverage, the Recovery Act and Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (he referred to this last item by its inside-the-Beltway name, “F-Map”). He talked about the notion of eliminating foreign aid (not worth it, he said). He invoked Warren Buffett, earmarks and the payroll tax that funds Medicare (referring to it, in fluent Washington lingo, as “FICA”).

But no one should be surprised. Remember when he said the time for talk is over? He simply meant the time for your talking is over. He hasn’t shut up since.

And the left is like that. I’ve noticed that most of the long, obnoxious comments on blog posts are from those on the left.

They’re rude, they’re wrong, they’re long-winded, and they think they are smart.

Maybe that’s it. They think they are so smart, they want to educate the rest of us.

I wish they’d shut the hell up. And just go away.


  1. It was pointed out — in a place where things are pointed — that a 17 minute response to an uncomfortable question leaves no one in the mood to ask an uncomfortable follow up. PBHO’s diarrhea of the mouth is tactical.

    Until this moment, I didn’t know how to spell diarreah. I can thank my president for that. So, it’s not all bad.

  2. You might make a case that most Americans are not overtaxed,
    What is it, 50% of taxes are paid by 5% of the population?
    (sorry, I’m not going to check details right now,
    Rush has the data on his site if you have time to google it)

    But certainly over spending is occuring, at an unprecedented rate.
    Triple the rate during Bush’s term.
    And any challenge of the
    thin-skinned- wussy-child-president
    brings a bristling tirade of bureaucrat speak.
    No wonder he is collapsing in the polls.
    Watch this:
    The Presidential spending road trip

  3. When you’re a liberal you have to keep talking because if you ever stop the facts will catch up with you. Then the little world you live in, the one you’ve worked so hard on to buffer your mind from reality, will shatter. This leads to a state you consider worse than death. A state of sanity, objective thought, conservatism.

  4. The rambling might be funny, but it’s just a symptom. Remember when Nancy Pelosi said that we just needed to pass ObamaCare, and we’re realize how good it is once we look at it without the harsh rhetoric surrounding it? That’s why Obama gave his long answer. He honestly believes that, if he just explains where tax dollars are going, this woman will say “gosh, I guess I’m NOT overtaxed; look at all the glorious things my tax dollars are buying!” Liberals just **know** that they are smarter than us and can make better decisions for our money, and if they just take our money and implement their plan, we’ll eventually thank them for it.

  5. I don’t have any thing nasty or pithy to say about “the one” today.

    All I have to say is; (Caution RELIGIOUS sentiment )

    Blessed Easter to all the patriots at IMAO. May the joy of the resurrection and the gift of the Atonement work in your lives and may God bless you and yours.

    (end of religious sentiment, you may now go about your regularly scheduled activities)

  6. Trolling can fun, Basil. During the democrat primary I had two screen names at Democrat Underground, one a sycophantic Obama worshiper, and the other a rabid Hilldabeast fan. I argued with myself and then sat back to watch the fun.

    OK, so I’m easily entertained, it probably explains my presence here at IMAO.

  7. Ever notice that on the occasions when a conservative leaves a lengthy comment, it’s because they have something valid to say that actually relates to the topic?
    And they don’t call you names. I like that because my feelings are easily hurt by liberals calling me stupid and blind. Blind to the truth that only they can see, not physically blind.

  8. According to that Washington Post piece, “The advanced battery technology manufacturer has added about 300 jobs in the state after receiving $49 million as part of the federal stimulus package.”

    And, the Washington Post doesn’t question that math?

    So, $49 million gets you just 300 jobs? And, that would mean those factory workers are each getting paid about $163,000 per year, right? Umm…I’m guessing they’re not.

  9. ‘Fraid I have to disagree with you on that last line. I’m glad they are around, and I certainly don’t want them to ever shut up or go away. The entertainment value alone is worth keepin’ ’em.

    But more importantly is the educational value. Without them providing an ample supply of excellent examples to pick apart every day, it would be much harder to illustrate to our children why stinkin thinkin stinks so bad. Without them proving through their deeds what we warn progressive/marxist philosophy can lead to, those that follow us would more easily fall into the same dark pit.

    Would be nice if they could be a bit quieter about it tho.

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